I'm a newbie just need some ideas on things to do when I get stoned. I usually just drift off and get distracted get really lazy. Does anyone play video games when you're high? Does it make it any better? Silly question just looking for some tips
Instead of getting stoned at home, go outdoors somewhere kind of secluded. My friends and I used to sneak into a graveyard for our midnight toke and we'd walk around reading tombstones. Kind of weird, but it was some of the best times I had when medicated.
Yup thats pretty weird,think ill stay in house instead of creeping about a cemetery. Ill be in one soon enough without going when im alive lol Sent from my SM-T210 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I do laundry, dishes, yard work, home improvement projects, auto repair, rocket surgery...whatever...
video games when high is like sex when high... almost. I love video games that have a role playing element... most do nowadays. I play GTA V online a lot when I have the time.
Play video games when your high you will get lost in them it's amazing, so is sex it's way better.. I also play guitar when I am high because it makes it easier for me to focus Op try doing some of your hobbies or whatever high and see if you enjoy it more or benifit from it
I sometimes write sci-fi short stories or at least the outline for them. I also write down business ideas, quotes I come up with, to-do list for the month or just random ideas about my interest or goals. I recommend evernote for doing this. It's fun watching your collection of notes grow and evolve.
Productivity is best accomplished when sober. The exceptions are anything creativity related: drawing, writing, thinking, songwriting (you might be amazed). .... You can meditate, maybe go for a jog.
I'm working my way through AK Lectures in biology - but only while I'm high. I wonder how motor proteins "know" what route to take when towing their loads.