Any ideas on how to silence my induct fan?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by TokeDaiily, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. Hello fellow growers. I'm about to start another grow, and my only concern with this grow is, my neighbors, etc hearing my fan. My grow room is build on the side of my house complete separate from my house. Any suggestions on how to make my fan able not to be heard from outside my grow room??
  3. the fan is only useful to control odor and minimal growth in stems, if your getting odor problems use a carbon fan, if you want the stems to grow without the fan use silica, silicone.
  4. Can you cover it with a radio?  Low AM noise such as ball games and NPR?
  5. ^\tor elevator music aha
  6. Stick the fan on a speed control.
    The bigger the fan, the slower the speed has to be and less noise.
    If you need to run a fan at full speed, you need a bigger fan.

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