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Any idea how this looks healthy and gender?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Iceyprince4454, May 20, 2023.

  1. Been a while since grew anything around 17 years so just wondering if it looks healthy and any sign of gender its grown properly in tent with lights and vents etc but giving it some natural sun as its a beautiful warn day today plus the images are better in natural light instead of the usual glow figured more detail means better answers and easier for real cannabis experts to see in details I know nothing about the strain ice indica crystal extreme like how long should I keep 18 hour of light and when to switch to 13 hours again its 28 days old today thank you guys

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  2. small for 28 days no sex is showing yet
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  3. put more soil in that pot
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  4. It's a 10 litre pot with around 6 to 7 litres soil veenaculite and peat etc really think add more? if so i shall do it now its only smaller i believe as an indica and they said when buying said seeds it shpuld dpuble kn beight when ready for flowering and shpupd only reach around 120cm lol amongst other things to i was late transplanting etc but been too long forgot so much over past like 17ish years lol il ckntinue and add mire tho of you thibk its mecessary i took the pics quite close as didnt kniw how much detail was nmuch it is pretty dainty think iya about 14 cm tall gove or take and gets regukar light etc believe its around 28 days tho pretry sure today is day 28 but thankyou i shall take that advice abd see how it wirand ut thankyiu really apprecuate the guidance been too long i wanred a smallish 1 as its obvs illegal here b7t maybe too small lol anywho thankyou
  5. Thankyou I wanted smaller indica strain as basically a beginner again forgot the effort needed over last 17 or so years they said tho it should only reach around 120cm and will double its height c9me flowering I shouldve gone for strain I knew really but wanted try the ice one again as said was fairly easy and resilient but il have to look into why it's small then because I'm doing most things correct i think but cant find any info on the indica crystal extreme like length of veg period etc barely anything about it but il just have 2 try harder to research before doing next time only started as a bagseed hobby then bought everything needed and mew seeds lol snowballed a little really quite addictive thankyou really appreciate the help
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  6. bit early to see any gender of the plant ,but in a couple more weeks you should see some thing then ,,fingers crossed for a female ,,mac,
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  7. #7 Iceyprince4454, May 20, 2023
    Last edited: May 20, 2023
    Thankyou I seem like a moron I'm really not im just extremely rusty and it seems harder now than all them years ago bare in mind at 16 i grew a bagseed to flowering with just summer sun and a fan I didn't know any better at time and thought free weed haha and then a few weeks before she was finished I gave it away to my sister whos a very experienced grower she said she got I think 34 grams off it sure she said tho she cloned it or something I didnt understand at the time (still dont) i was just a student with a daughter at my mums house lol and not enough time to take care of said plant and didnt wanna get caught at my mums house the old adage shitting on your own doorstep came to mind haha but dont speak to sister anymore unfortunately, this all started with i just got bag seeds off some honestly wonderful weed minus the seeds was honestly incredible and thought I want more of that so lets start a 1 plant hobby then ended buying new lights and all equipment so now I've sunk cash into it it's one of them situations where I cant give up on it now and even if I got 2 grams off 1 plant I'd be happy knowing I'm making some progress just in uk cant ask anyone or people will either snitch or youl have dealers through the door come harvest time because what can u really do short of murdering them cant really call the police amd say someone stole my illegal plant lol wouldnt call them anyway tbh never do lol stupid country in a way when I can go and be prescribed fentanyl within 30 seconds for just a shattered shoulder but I also have epilepsy and wont prescribe weed spray at a minimum ut theyl happily give me barbiturates that have caused my bones to significantly weaken and cause osteopenia but weed hell no you wont have fun on our watch says parliament it seems crazy to put weed in a legal class b same as amphetamines amongst others if your not from England go check class b drugs and tell me it's fair lol especially with England producing so much weed and not giving it to us people in the country one day il move america seems alot better there, you can legally get it some states and if someone came to steal you guys can literally blow them away where as we attack someone coming in our home to rob steal and hurt the family and we defend ourselves we get sent to jail for manslaughter or murder don't pass go lol, we are a really backwards country unfortunately one day theyl catch up to other countrys but cant see it being in my lifetime tho lol anyway again I digress thankyou for the assistance sir really appreciate you il post ab update in a few weeks and see 8f any gender showing just nightnare knowing one could be a male especially now when electric and gas prices in the uk are unreal even using leds low wattage costs around 4 to 6 quid a day :/ thankyou again sir you are a legend i really appreciate the guidance and for not mocking or judging my skill level although wouldnt of blamed if you did hahaha cheers ste.
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  8. Smaller plant is the final outcome, how you train, when you flip. It'll still grow at certain rate. I'd gander the lack of aeration has hindered root growth and stunted plants growth. Something to keep in mind next run.

    Whole plant pics help access as well instead of close ups
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  9. Il post whole pic soon my bad did close because assumed eas hard see gender from a distance i the roots were actually great when I moved it yesterday put in bigger pot and had plenty aeration wasnr grown in a windowsill just an immaculate day so betyer lighting for picture and wont harm the lantp much is guess having a natural tan haha il upload soon when get homebits literally around 13 ish cm probably bit bigger and s8re its 28 days old although could be 26 cant remeber germination was pretty fast seed dt8red well so sprouted less than day left longed around 2 maybe just under days and sh9t up fast but started slowing hence moving to other pot but I'l take whatever it can give and try a different strain I rember more about like searching ice strain gives zero information on veg period lentgh etc and nit one I ever tried to do before had successfully many years ago 17 lol was a white wid8w ir northern lights if I recall and ended with like 33,ish gram I think or 36 and that's with no knowledge atall blank skate of knowledge I wanted this one because said was a beginner that flowers in 7 to 8 weeks but nothongnelse really wanted ot because it's amazing for hash to other than that im winging it lol thankyou for help pal appreciate guidance need to learn more just cant really ask/talk to many here about growing as it's not legal :(
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  10. Your roots looked like this? Plants a week and a half older than yours.

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  11. Honestly not as nice as them hahahaha
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  12. good root growth ...time to pot up ...mac
  13. They looked good just not as tidy and beautiful as yours did I wont sit and bullshit anyone haha I'm a beginner again now so all the advice is greatly appreciated thank you mac
  14. I just added the picture in reference to what I was describing as hindered root growth. Roots should fill the pot, if they aren't hindered from inadequate aeration or over watering.

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