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any help

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Smoky McSmoker, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. Hay I have suffered from exercise induced asthma for my entire life. I am 30 I never smoked in my child hood because I was afraid it might flare up my asthma. I have tried every single type of inhaler or asthma treatment out there and nothing has worked at all, not in stopping an attack or preventing it. Basically what happens is if I run for moor than a hundred yards or so my lungs close up. I have to stop, get my shit together, breathe for a minute, and then I am ok. I played sweeper on my high school soccer teem and I was fast but not for long. Honestly I don't think I have ever sustained a run for moor than a couple hundred yards ever in my life until a couple months ago. I was stoned as shit and my friend thought it would be funny to go run in the woods. Surprise we lost track of time. The next thing I new we had run about a mile and a half. Since then I have smoking and then running 5 miles EVERY OTHER DAY. This shit is crazy I never thought this was possible. I mean I tried to jog with my ex girlfriend about 2 years ago and it was the same old shit. The only difference is the weed. I mean it is a miracle I have lost 30 pounds in 60 days and typically finish my 5 in well under an our. I have not had any problems with my lungs. It is like my legs cant keep up with my lungs this shit is amazing. I have seen the best doctors in the fucking world for my asthma with only disappointment. I live in dc is this something I could get a prescription for. I mean some friken doctors need to study me. This is like a miracle can somebody explain this. It is vary counter intuitive are there doctors doing studies in this. :smoke:
  2. Several cannabinoids have vasodialator effects that help the lungs function better. It's well documented in medical cannabis circles, but you will see an even bigger effect if you use a vaporizer. The smoke isn't great for the lungs but the chemicals in the smoke are also in the vapor and will help you even more.
  3. what typ of vape is the best to take on my runs somthing small
  4. The Magic Flight Launch Box is very portable and stealthy.

  5. well i was thinking about that one but dos it realy work well it looks like some stoned kid let loos in a wood shop :p
  6. dos anybody know if it is posible to get a perscription for this in dc :rolleyes:
  7. I'm not familiar with dc laws but I don't think you can get a perscription. And the mflb vape is not cheaply made, so don't worry about that. I don't have one but I have heard nothing but good things about it
  8. Yes it works well and it's quite well made. Yes, I have one.

    From NORML:

    [​IMG] District of Columbia

    SUMMARY: D.C. Council Members enacted legislation in May 2010 authorizing the establishment of regulated medical marijuana dispensaries in the District of Columbia. On Monday, July 26, members of Congress allowed the measure to become law without federal interference.

    The law amends the Legalization of Marijuana for Medical Treatment Initiative, a 1998 municipal ballot measure which garnered 69 percent of the vote yet was never implemented. Until 2010, D.C. city lawmakers had been barred from instituting the measure because of a Congressional ban on the issue. Congress finally lifted the ban in 2009.

    Under the law, D.C. Health Department officials will oversee the creation of as many as eight facilities to dispense medical cannabis to authorized patients. Medical dispensaries would be limited to growing no more than 95 plants on site at any one time.

    Both non-profit and for-profit organizations will be eligible to operate the dispensaries.

    Qualifying D.C. patients will be able to obtain medical cannabis at these facilities, but will not be permitted under the law to grow their own medicine. Patients diagnosed with the following illnesses are afforded legal protection under this act: HIV or AIDS; glaucoma; conditions characterized by severe and persistent muscle spasms, such as multiple sclerosis; cancer; or any other condition, as determined by rulemaking, that is: "(i) chronic or long-lasting; "(ii) debilitating or interferes with the basic functions of life; and (iii) A serious medical condition for which the use of medical marijuana is beneficial: (I) That cannot be effectively treated by any ordinary medical or surgical measure; "(II) For which there is scientific evidence that the use of medical marijuana is likely to be significantly less addictive than the ordinary medical treatment for that condition. The maximum amount of medical marijuana that any qualifying patient may possess at any moment is 2 ounces of dried medical marijuana, though this limit is subject to revision by the Mayor.

    A separate provision enacted as part of the 2011 D.C. budget calls for the retail sales of medical cannabis to be subject to the District's six percent sales tax rate. Low-income will be allowed to purchase medical marijuana at a greatly reduced cost under the plan.

    It will likely be several months before Health officials establish a patient registry and/or begin accepting applications from the public to operate the City's medical marijuana production and distribution centers.

    The medical use provisions in the District of Columbia do not include reciprocity provisions protecting visitors from other medical use states.

    CONTACT INFORMATION: DC City Council Committee on Health or DC Department of Health
  9. thanks for the info everyne but if ther are any docs out ther this shit is amazing and i would be happy to be in a study if ther is one out ther i was given a stress test at mayo clinic and i was only able to run for like 30 seconds beffor my asthma stoped me

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