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Any Good How To Make Tincture Threads?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by fireinside2288, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. tried searching for it, cant find them. I want a threa on how to make tincture using alchol or glycerin. I would like a very detailed how to. ty for the help
     p.s. the only thread i did find was not very descriptive at all..
    how long do i lit it sit before going in the crock pot if at i shake it before going in the crock pot? if so how long should i shake it for?, how hot should the crock pot be?I would think heat would destroy the thc.
    please link all the links on how to make tincture and ill read through all of them so i can decide on witch one i like best.(i like putting everyones info to get a better understanding of this tech)


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