Any good books on mind, psychedelics or philosophy

Discussion in 'The Bookshelf' started by skatealex2, Jun 13, 2008.

  1. I really want a book that will trip me out and make me think? or a book that has something to do with psychedelics . Also I plan on taking lsd this summer so maybe a book thatll give me something to think about when tripping.

    prob gonna hit up barnes and nobles soon. thanks:smoke::smoke:

    *wake and vape*
  2. Something by Timothy Leary, or Terrance McKenna
  3. cool. I've been reading about timothy leary recently. Ill def check one of his books out
  4. Try Aghora: At The Left Hand of God by Robert E. Svoboda. It's about his life in India and his experiences with Hindu gods and goddesses. It can get pretty trippy.
  5. Science and the Akashic Field
  6. And Anything by De Mello is mind candy.
  7. No one mentions The Doors of Perception by Huxley :eek:
  8. ended up getting food of the gods. looks intresting hope its kick ass
  9. another ledendary book is Manly P Hall "The secret teachings of all ages".

    You seriously gotta read this book some time in your life.

    Good choice of book you got there :)
  10. Aldous Huxley is great. And if you're willing to check out some fiction, check out "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch" By Phillip K Dick.

    Here another great deal on some of Phillip K Dick's books that i enjoyed BTW
  11. Oh you should read Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Mainainance. Its a great book, sort of a blend of 3 books mixed into one story, a book about riding across the US, the story of the person, and this crazy philospohy, both discussing some of the 'great thoughts' and illustrating his own, which has lovely zen influences. Great stoner book, I've read it twice, been meaning to read it again but I've got a huge pile I want to get through first..
  12. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Deepak Chopra is an amazing author. Search him up you wont regret.
    </TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
  13. Ishmael, really makes you think about life and the earth.
  14. If you are looking for some heavy philosophy, David Hume has some great insights.
  15. go to the library and pick up some indian spritual guides. they are all about shroomin and smoking the earth and have lovely stories of how they all work and what to do. i have a few and cant think of the names off the top of my head. great books if interested in spirituality.

  16. ^^
    very close to what id tell u to read..

    ive bought many books through erowid...great variety and many choices..


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