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Any fellow smoking veterans ever go on a smoking break while in search of a job?halp

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by TheBigBadaBoom, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. It's that time now that I'm done with the college life. I need to find a job but most decent paying ones or respectable college grad jobs require drug screenings. Even though I'm rather thin and probably clean myself out in a week, I figure why not take a break until a find a job now? I guess what I'm asking for is some tips on how to say no to the cravings I get every night.

    I usually just smoke a .2 or so bowl (prob a gram total per week or so now that I live at home again) before bed every night so my routine is outta whack at the moment. What makes it more difficult is that my dad has some good green downstairs that I've been pinching from since I've been home. I don't even have any connects back home so buying any isn't an option.

    wat do? I recently just bought nba 2k13 to keep me busy for now and take my mind off weed.

    Lastly, I want clean piss of my own, so don't suggest that I so sub or drink some BS drink that costs $40.
  2. Hard to fight the urge, reading quality, long books got me through a similar situation. Nothing heavy. Quick and fast-paced, like Tom Clancy or Orson Scott Card (although the latter gets heavy later in the series... but you'll have a job by then). Alternate that with a time-consuming game and you'll be golden. But it has to be a really time-consuming game. RPGs work well for that, they never really end. I'll ship you skyrim.
  3. Willpower... I quit cold so I could join the army.
    Occupy your time... you smoke 1g a week? dude thats nothing to stop. I was smoking an ounce a week... And just decided to stop.. play alot of bo2 online, go for walks etc.

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