im a medical user that wants to go to law school...and in the future defend marijuana cases (hopefully they wont still exist)
I'm a new attorney. RE: an earlier inquiry, I practice immigration law and general civil litigation matters at the moment. I wouldn't be surprised if many attorneys smoke. When I visited my cousin in NYC, I found out that many of her ivy-league educated, young professional friends (bankers, doctors) regularly toke. I don't see why attorneys would be any different.
I don't know how much you know about law school and the legal profession in general. There are a lot of myths out there among those not in the legal field. One being that every lawyer makes mega salaries upon graduation. Some do, but many don't. And jobs for lawyers these days, much like many other industries in this economy, are difficult to come by. As for tips...GPA and your lsat score are pretty much king when it comes to admission, so if you're doing well in school, keep it up. If not, salvage what you can and make sure you get a kick ass LSAT. Umm, I could write a novel about my law school experience and related topics, but won't do that here. If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me.
I wonder if there's attorneys out there dedicated to ending the prohibition on marijuana...never really looked in this. I don't think this will ever happen on a federal level however, at least not in my lifetime. I just saw that Marijuana, Inc special on CNBC and it's just further evidence of the still powerful government propoganda machine against marijuana. There's a new drug czar (guy from seattle) who should be better than the previous guy, since seattle is very liberal when it comes to marijuana, much like SF, so there's hope for some change. But it would take forces beyond his control to truly end marijuana prohibition. I see you're a Crohn's patient. As am I. MMJ works wonders doesn't it?
I'm a sophmore and plan on going to law school; hopefully CU-Boulder. I have a question. Aren't you worried that you might get caught and that you could lose your license to practice law?
He said he passed the bar in California so I'm guessing he lives there, and he's an MMJ patient so I doubt he would lose his license since he probably has a recommendation for MMJ. But that's real cool man, +rep for being an attorney and a toker.
Even with an MMJ card, it's not like I'm gonna start acting brazen and reckless with my smoking habits. I smoke in moderation, never on the job, and almost exclusively at night when I have nothing else to do for the day except sit back and relax. With this kind of routine, it's pretty hard to get caught. I feel almost juvenile for saying that as an attorney, but simple truth. Now, if I was a government lawyer, I would be more worried because of the possibility of drug testing. But there's no such testing at my small firm. I would say I'm more worried about my professional reputation, which is why I keep my smoking under wraps when I'm around other legal professionals (unless I know they smoke too of course It's kinda lame, but the fact is, many people remain grossly misinformed, prone to stereotype/myth and biased when it comes to pot.
If i was a lawyer i would only represent drug dealers, and i would only allow payment in the form of bricks ( :