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Any experienced tokers with cough, chest pain, and phlegm?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by captainowlbear, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. I'm 19 & have been smoking everyday for the last 9+ months. I recently started to develop chest pain and a cough, as well as mucus build-up in my lungs. This has been going on for about 4 days now. Could this be due to smoking, or might I just be sick? I doubt sickness because never in my life have I been sick and the only symptoms be coming from my chest. I just want to know if this is something I should be concerned about or not. Any helpful tips/ideas/etc. will help!
  2. Do you share bowls, joints, bongs etc amongs your friends; or do you purely smoke alone?

  3. my friends and i share bowls, as well as i smoke bowls on my own. None of them have been sick as of late, and my pipe is due for a cleaning. Maybe that could be the reason?
  4. the only thing that ever bothers me from smoking to much is a sore throat.. which usually comes after getting a cough..

    never had problems with my lungs from smoking.. which is odd bcuz i had asthma as a kid
  5. Smh, I have phelgm. I don't know why but all I do is smoke weed out of my bowl and I still spit up mucus. :mad::(
  6. Can weed actually give you phlegm? It has no tar so I dont see how this is possible? anyone care to explain?
  7. weed can give you a phlemgy cough because its clearing out your lungs. i have a slight cough from toking, but its nothing to be concerned about. the pain on the other hand is something i know nothing about. do you smoke ciggarettes?
  8. weed still has resin which is tar mane smoking anything isnt good for you;)
  9. I have this, I smoke everyday and I share with friends so to answer your question, yes.
  10. Weed is a bronchodilator which is why it helps with asthma. The phlegm might be previous built up and now your lungs are purging themselves of excess mucous.

    It might also be that your lungs are not used to smoke, which causes you to produce more mucous to protect the lungs.

    If you're worried, invest in a vape, that's what I'm doing.
  11. weed has no tar in it. really dude wtf do think resin is haha
  12. whenever you smoke anything, you're risking a sore throat or bronchitis. i had acute bronchitis and it's a bitch! it lasts like 3 to 4 weeks and you cough & cough and it always feels like theres more phlegm. hopefully this isn't what you have - but lemon & honey always works.
  13. Been smoking everyday for about a year. I have the phlegm issue every couple months. I always assume it comes back due to a change in the weather or some other outlier.
  14. I've gotten the pains a few times, never phlegm though.
  15. Weed has a ton of tar, idk what you're talking about.

    And I stopped noticing my coughing/chest pains as I've had them for so long (not from smoking, I've developed asthma from all the coughing I've done from have pneumonia so much).
  16. I dont see how weed can have tar in it. I understand that when you inhale plant matter that isnt good for you. But im not convinced it has tar in it. seriously. Would that not mean that there would be serious health risks with smoking weed? People with asthma and other lung problems would have their health worsened wouldn't they? But everyone i know who has asthma and smokes weed says that smoking defiantly helps with they're asthma. Ive been smoking for awhile using mostly a pipe and I haven't noticed any kind of phlegm. I have never once coughed up phlegm. I think ya'll are crazy. Maybe im just lucky? :cool:
    Do people who say they cough up phlegm smoke alot of joints/blunts? If so i say that is where your tar is coming from. Not from sweet old mary.
  17. on the exact same boat as u brah... even age :smoke:

    But dont worry I think we both just have a cold
  18. i get those chest pains when i only smoke out of a bong or waterfall for 2 days straight

    then i get back to the vaporizer and it goes away

    edit: im 21 btw
  19. Luckily for you i read this thread,
    I don't know where you live but it's cold as fuck where i live. Started with a little cold then got worse and started gettin chest pains and mucus in my lungs. I have your EXACT symptoms, the doc said i have broncitis that's on the verge of pneomonia. so he prescribed me cough syrup with codiene and it helps a lot.

    just sick broskie
  20. While there is no added forms of tar in cigarettes, the burning of any plant matter will produce tar in the smoke. I have been smoking weed nearly everyday for the past 2 years, and lately I have noticed very dark color phlegm, from gray to actual black. I do not smoke anything but weed, so it is clear to me weed can cause this. Although I dont expierience any chest pains, but I do get the odd coughing fit.

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