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Any cigarette smokers her

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by xplicitcontent, Jun 26, 2002.

  1. by dip, do you mean like copenhagen and skoal and stuff?
  2. I really like Turkish Jades. When they first came out, all the stores around here had a special two-for-one offer. I couldn't get enough of those.
  3. "Menthols are rumored to contain fiberglass. According to this canard, the evil cigarette companies secrete the substance in the product in an effort to better transmit that menthol sensation and nicotine kick by way of causing tiny cuts in the smoker's throat and mouth. This same rumor also attaches to smokeless (chewing) tobacco, especially to the Kodiak brand.

    There's no fiberglass in cigarettes. Granted RJR did try using a fiberglass shell on its flopped smokeless cigarettes in 1994, but that part of the contraption wasn't ingested by the smoker -- it was more of a housing, if you will. Other than that, no fiberglass.

    The fiberglass rumor parallels similar falsities about Carmex lip balm and tampons. But of course if consumers overuse lip balm, they will come to rely on it and afterwards have to continue using the product. That little detail of life isn't in dispute, but rather than accept it, some Carmex users prefer to believe the evil manufacturer secretes ground glass in the product to roughen users' lips and thus enslave them to the little jars with the yellow lids. Likewise, a cyber-rumor that swept the Internet in 1999 claimed evil tampon manufacturers were putting asbestos in that product to promote bleeding and thus ensure women went through more tampons per period. The common sense realization that if the government had deemed asbestos far too dangerous to have in the walls of homes, it certainly wouldn't passively watch from the sidelines as consumers stuck the same substance inside themselves failed to occur to as many people as one would hope, and this rumor about asbestos flew from one inbox to another. " has the whole article....they have lots of other info on most urban legends youve heard...

  4. Well I've been smoking for years now and have had no probs yet. But I have heard it crystallizes your lungs, well the older ones back in the day.

  5. I quit, I quit, I quit, I quit!

    i can smell things again!

    i kinda had to quit or i would loose the use of my arms and legs and i had only been smoking on and of for 7 years. the warnings on the packets don't tell u shit! there are thousands of other problems that occur that some doctors don't even know about until they are there to stay with u for life.

    no more tobacco for me. not even in joints, that means they'll all have to be pure! ... aw what a shame! ;) :D !!!!!!

    this is the 4th longest i've been of them for, and aslong as i stay away from alcohol too, i'll be able to stay quit forever this time... i hope... i wish... i've quite before... too many times to count now.

    these f*ckers are more addictive than heroin. how stupid is that?? at least with evil H u get something outta it! :¬/
  6. Hey Nubbin if there is no fiberglass then how do you explain people coughing up blood? Nobody I know who smokes non-menthol cigs has ever had that happen to them... Maybe it's something similar to fiberglass, but there must be something in them that cuts the lungs or else they wouldn't be bleeding, correct?

  7. It was vanilla bidis that mad e me switch to Clove cigs.

    Copenhagen is great but Kodiak in the blue can is 100 times better. That nicotine rush hits you and just keeps on rolling.
  8. I've been qiut cigs for over 2 yrs now after smoking for 11 yrs. Quitting sure is hard on the ass!!1

    When i was smoking, i hated smoking and toking - dries you out. And i couldn't smoke and drink either..... The other night i had a couple sweet drags off a cig, and hubby just about blew a gasket. MEN!!! :D
  9. lol, just tell him to chill and smoke a bowl

  10. I would like to contradict. Players cigs throughout the 90's had fiberglass in their filters. They really did make you lungs bleed after smoking.
  11. Well kronosx, there could be a lot of explanations for why people cough up blood, my friend doesnt smoke menthols and Ive seen him cough up blood, but its more of a bloody phlem if anything, and its most likely due to the fact that your lungs are trying to get rid of irritants the only way they know how, which is to cough, and nicotine being a constringent(unlike thc which dialates the throat and lungs) probably irritates people more than other smokes such as cannabis. Or, maybe its just a sign from god telling those people to stop smoking cigs and give it a rest for a while....blaming it on fiber glass being secretly put into cigarettes is kinda naive though, there are so many extra chemicals in menthols that it could be any number of reasons, but the whole fiber glass rumor is bullshit, Ive read it in the newspaper, ive seen it on some websites with respectable research sources, it just isnt true.
  12. Well, it's not as though cigarette company's have a great reputation for being straight forward about their products. Since they first became popular they have lied about the contents of their cigarettes and it was even beleived that they were good for you. I don't think it's that much of a stretch to think that they might try and deceive the public yet again. I'm not claiming to know for sure, I've only heard from countless others who smoke. All that I am saying is that if it is a rumor, then it is the most perpetuated rumor that I have heard in a long time.
  13. Well i understand that its a huge rumor, all my friends used to tell me the same thing....Thats why its so big, because people know the tobacco companies have a very tainted reputation so its not a far stretch to believe that theyd do something like that. But the fact is, people believe that fiber glass must be whats cutting their lungs, when in fact it could very well just be the simple and common situation where your lungs are overly irritated by the smoke, they get infected, a cyst or wound may form and if it were to rupter it could very well cause some internal bleeding in the lungs(especially in the case with menthols, becaus yes, over 600 chemicals and flavorents are put in them), hell, many asthmatics cough up blood all the time w/o ever inhaling any smoke, its just different scenarios that somehow end up causing blood to gather in the lungs or throat...its just another false rumor that people truly believe in, like the one about toilets spinning the ther direction in Australia than in the northern hemisphere...theyre all rumors that play on our imaginations and suspitions...
  14. I'll agree considering the only places I have heard from are other people and not newspapers.
  15. Question to any daily cigarette smokers: How often in a day do you smoke?
  16. im one of those people who will only smoke a cig after i smoke weed...cuz if u dont do it often it will give u a slight buzz and make ur high better....i feel no need to smoke one if im sober...if im drunk all i wanna do is smoke so cigs help me save $ on weed in those situations..i gotta stop soon tho...i dont wanna make it a habit, or worse, an addiction

    newports for me tho lol...taste fuckin delicious
  17. If you dont think Skoal has fiberglass in it, open a tin and look at it in the light. You'll see very small shines as you were looking at shattered glass. Pure tobacco leaf doesnt have anything that would look like that. I still enjoy packin lip though.
  18. I smoked for 17 years but after watching a close family friend die of lung cancer, I decided to quit and I'm glad I did.
  19. I like to use Newports to get lung cancer personally.
  20. I recently have cut back big time on smokin cigs,

    what i found was that it was just financially not reasonable for what they returned which was a way to pass the time. now i just smoke herb when i would have wanted a cig maybe. its not the best way to stop a habit I know but it just works all too well ahah

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