Any chance this will work?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Cricket22, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Plant seeds in soil in box. Box is covered in inside with tinfoil. Watered every day. Few hours from light bulb a day.
  2. Short answer is no that won't work.

    Tin foil is bad news, you're better off with mylar or flat white paint. Also, a few hours of light a day isn't going to cut it. I'd spend some time reading the stickies and then browse the journals to find someone running a set-up you think could work for you. I spent dozens of hours reading here on GC before ever putting a seed in the soil. Take the time do the research and it will pay off with some great smoke and an enjoyable new hobby. Good luck.
  3. of course it will work lol

    the question is how good!

    go for it! may not get a pound lol but it will be a fun way to learn
  4. You don't even need a light bulb. A candle will work.
  5. anything will work just depends wut your definition of work is if its getting a seedling and then it dieing sure it will work lol:eek:
  6. I would water it twice a day just to be safe!:D

    Just kidding. If you mean a cardboard box, you must be looking for a fire or an electrocution, not sure which.

  7. It's a weed....
  8. it'll work.. the plant will live.. but the smoke might not be great..
  9. #9 fuzz420, Jan 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2010
    idk if u can tell but everyones bustin ur balls lol i mean yeah uve got the general idea dirt and light lmao but its a little deeper than that lol and whoever bitched at him for tinfoil should take back their statement lol because i dont care if its like super plant burning tinfoil lol ur not going to burn or grow shit with "a light bulb" lol and especially with "a few hours" lol $2000 says if u succede it will stretch 6 inches and fall before ever getting a second node

    id say read the site but dont lol i dont think growing is for you buddy lol unless of course ur a 12 year old in which case ur awesome lol

    just about everything you said is wrong lol but if youd like some advice go to lowes and get the biggest fuckin cfl they have and preferably get a bunch of them and a timer for xmas lights, then take ur box with tinfoil fold it down and throw it out, next go buy real soil if it says miracle grow in big letters or it costs less the $10 that is not the soil you want next go to walmart and get a safety blanket from the camping isle for 1.00 and get a big tupperware or the tupperware cabinet or somesort of box replacement that isnt quite as flamible get urself some computer fans and u will be on your the max this stupid simple explaination will get u is a half lol so decide if its worth it to you to invest in growing because it is an expensive hobby but i personaly do it because i love it. if your real serious about growing be prepared to spend a LOT of money just to get decent results. and as you go you will find ways to save money but dont expect your yeild to last you longer than a good party if ur not using at least 400w of hid


    p.s. my first grow when i was 14 was on the top shelf of my closet using the regular light bulb in my closet and i would turn it off every day when i went to school...except weekends im sure lol but my dad found it and got pissed lol 8 years later and i cant buy weed in my area like the shit i can grow...but i actually dropped growing after that till i was 18 and i tried to grow in a north facing skylight which also was a learning experience thats when i got my first t5s and my first harvest so dont take offense to me being a dick lol if your going to keep with it then this is your starting point and you will be surprised how much you learn in such little time

    edit: my appologies spruce goose i just vaguely saw that u replied about tinfoil i shouldve actually read it lol
  10. Learn how to do it wrong anyway :rolleyes:

    Commit or don't, that's the way this works. If you do commit, start saving your $$, this will costs hundreds at the minimum, thousands at the other end. I have a med/small grow, 8 plants, and it cost me approx $3k to set up properly. While you are saving,....READ!!!!!!! Learn what you are attempting BEFORE you attempt it!!!!

    Set aside some space/$$ and build a proper environment.

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