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Any advice for buying an ounce?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Nike is Cool, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. So my friend and I are going to buy an oz (We've never even thought about buying that much since we only smoke on the weekends). I know this isn't a huge deal at all but we just don't want to get ripped off. We will probably buy it from my cousins roommate if he has some good shit. I'm just looking for stuff to look out for or advice, thanks!
  2. You should use the same caution you use when buying any bag. Scale it, smell it, don't pay more than you planned and never front cash.
  3. If it moves, kill it.
  4. This.
  5. Don't front out the money.. roll with another person if possible. See the nug on the scale then give the dude the money. Have all the money facing the same way and racked up in a band. It's all about being professional even with small amounts. Game recognizes game.

  6. Fixed
  7. Either or, works both ways.:smoking:
  8. just bring your gun and u shouldent have a problem
  9. Couldn't of said it better myself.

    And don't be sketchy,
    he will smell the fear on ya.

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