If this needs to be moved feel free to do so, I wasn't sure exactly where to place it. I have a social anxiety which was created out a bad, and very potent mushroom trip. Now, it is unique in the fact that I simply stop being able to think of anything to say to continue/ hold a conversation. I am planning on going to docter, among other things, and was wondering what advice/ suggestions you guys have for medication types. Also, would you recomend my regular family docter, or should I see a shrink of some sort. Any advice you have at all on the subject is welcome Lastly, I was planning on simply telling him the truth, that I gave myself anxiety because of mushrooms, then trying to explain what goes through my head during an "attack"- (Although it seems to be a nonstop permant change, rather then a a series of attacks) and ask for something to help... bad/good idea? Thanks boys Peace and Love KG