
Discussion in 'General' started by Mattplusness, Sep 8, 2008.

  1. What classifies as having "anxiety" nowadays? I see so many people posting about how they have bad anxiety blah blah.

    How many of these people I wonder actually have anxiety..

    People, you're supposed to worry about things, or else you would be an emotionless zombie (oh look, that's what xanax does to you, and some people weed)
  2. Some people have it really bad. Like they won't even leave their rooms in their apartments and shit if they don't some anxiety medication. Then again I think there are a good amount of people that bullshit doctors to an extent to get xanax and stuff. I think its when the anxiety takes over your life and it takes away your willpower in life, is when someone will need some anxiety medication. It is real shit just Like A.D.D. though.
  3. that's exactly what i was trying to post. i couldn't word it the way i wanted to though.
    i just think some people need to realize they are supposed to worry about shit
  4. Great point. And panic attacks as well. I've had them and that shit is real.

    And yes, anti-anxiety medication does wonders for panic attacks as well as general anxiety disorders, social anxiety, IBS, etc. However, it is abused and can be addictive as well.
  5. I'm sure theres not one xanax prescription I haven't abused, but my anxiety is real. They get used up so quickly. Also makes time fly, I relentlessly spent 16k in 2 months, feels like a dream now, oh well. A lesson of life.
  6. Man, u dont really even know. When i have a panick attack, xanex is the only thing that will help. I feel like i cant breath, i feel like I am going to die and my thoughts reflect that. If you dont have it, you cant bash on other people for wanting to make themselves feel normal. I know people all have problems, but some people become more overwhelmed than others and that is the difference.
  7. I think everyone has some anxiety and I think it's better to deal with it (if at all possible) instead of taking something for it which is only a temporary solution anyway :)
  8. I've come to realize that in the past when I had a bad trip on both shrooms and ecstasy, they were actually panic attacks that I was unable to control. This was long before my anxiety issue appeared though.

    It wasn't until about 3 years after once I developed a pretty serious drinking habit that I developed the anxiety. Not sure if they are related but ever since then, I have had anxiety

    I am exponentially better than I was back then though. Nowadays, I don't even feel my anxiety unless I'm flying or some other environmental factor comes in to play. At work, I am one of the most talkative people to patients I interact with because I have learned to discard the daily anxiety I used to have. I'm not sure though if it's me telling myself that there is no point to it or that my anxiety has actually become less.

    Right now though, I have severe anxiety issues but they are related to this fucking opiate monkey that I'm wrestling off of my back. Been 13 days so hopefully, I'll start feeling better soon
  9. yaaa

    its also a good ass song by the black eyed peas
    fo shoo
  10. There are definitely a lot of people who embellish on their condition in order to obtain a prescription, but there's also a lot of people out there who really need them..

    I've never once abused any medication that I've been prescribed. If I was prescribed it was for a reason so I always took the recommended dose and consulted the doctor before changing it. That's the reason I've probably never tried stuff like klonopin or xanax recreational, because I've always been prescribed to those or like drugs for one reason or another since I was at the age where I became curious of mind altering substances.

    That said, I don't know where I'd be without my meds... probably not talking to many people or really going out places... Panic attacks are pretty horrible too. If I'm off my meds for a while and nothing emotionally disturbing happens, I'm fine. If something really major goes down though and I get wicked upset, there's no way I can control my anxiety and it in itself seems like a never ending panic attack. Kind of sucks to know I need meds, but I'd rather have them then not. Seems to be getting much better as I get older though, the times between when I need meds get longer and longer all the time.
  11. I have panic attacks sometimes... to the point where I've vomited on several different occasions.

    I don't have medication though. I prefer trying to work through it... I've had a bad experience with some Zoloft that a doc prescribed to me. Heh.

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