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Anxiety attacks with herb....

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Backwoods86, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Well I used to smoke alotttt Of bud when I was in my teens I'm 25 now and after not smoking for years I just started up again but with some issues.

    When I was like 20,21yrs old I was pretty bad into coke and what help me quit was that after a while everytime I did it I would have a anxiety/ panic attack When I could hear my heart beat going fast or my chest felt funny. I quit using that shit years ago now and have no interest in it but now I'm stuck with the anxiety attacks it seems.

    So I have been wanting to smoke herb again for the past few months but last time I tried I had a damn anxiety attack.
    Anyways on my 25th birthday that was pretty recent I decided to smoke after going out to the bar and I was fine no anxiety attacks, I think being drunk help somehow lol..

    SO I been smoking since but I can only get so high because If I get too high I start going into an axiety attack again. Even though I like the fealing of being super high at the same time My anxiety makes me worry about something bad happening to me like a heart attack or some crap just for an example even though docs say my heart is aye ok.

    I'm high rite now so maybe this doesn't make any damn sense lol but I hope it does. :smoke:

    So I like getting high and I would like to smoke more to get higherrrrr but If I do my anxiety starts attacking up.

    And Btw: by anxiety I don't mean like paranoid to get busted or some shit its more like worried about if something bad is going to happen to me like with my heart or something.(even though docs say my heart is fine.)

    I should mention that I am on an medication (pills) for the anxiety..

    SO Does anyone Have this issue or Had it? Or know someone that does? Any suggestions on dealing with it.
  2. Everytime I get really high now (like after a couple week break) I have a minipanic attack. It sucks but I just concentrate on positive vibes for a couple seconds and if you're as high as you think you are you'll forget about it soon enough.
  3. Cannabis raises your blood pressure. I used to have social anxiety that was onset by excessive facial sweating which was actually caused by my habit. By drastically lowering my intake (7 grams a week to 2 grams) my problems went away.

    I don't know how much that helps you, as you are not currently a regular smoker and receive the anxiety attacks, but if they don't seem to go away after smoking more heavily: there ya go.
  4. I used to have the same problem. I quit for a couple years and then was prescribed an anxiety medication. Decided to try smoking after a couple weeks on the medication, had no problems what so ever. I then slowly stopped taking the anxiety pills and now use MJ to treat my anxiety. :smoke:
  5. I have the same anxiety issues and Im also 25! Also, just as you said the anxiety isnt about getting busted (sometimes it is but 95% of the time its not. Heart is one thing I worry about, but its usually fear of choking. I get mad cotton mouth so I worry about choking on water or having my throat close up and bot being able to breathe. What I do is take small hits off a pipe. With a bong you have less control over how big your hit is for example. Pipes are easy to control how high you get. So take small pipe hits. That is what works for me.
  6. Everytime i would smoke it be great, then i started doing it every day and i would get anxious and jumpy. But i noticed that it was because i was worried about getting caught or going to work or something. Try putting yourself in a relaxing envirorment, when i say this i mean you have NO worries, no homework, no work, no chance of a person barging in on your session etc.. Its all about the setting your in BEFORE your blazed i think. This seems to work for me anyway
  7. I self diagnosed myself, and discovered that I might have anxiety issues.
    I so self prescribed myself weed. So its like the opposite for me, but I have had weed that makes my heart beat like crazy.
  8. Cannabis has never induced a heart attack, or even killed someone, ever. Never, ever, forever. Everytime you're about to get a panic attack, tell yourself it's your mind that's fucking with you. I used to have these panic attacks in the beginning. Smoke by yourself, and little amounts. When you will be ok to be "higher", you will know, and smoke some more. Take it slow and you'll be fine.
  9. Thats What I have been doing lately Is just taking small hits from my small glass piece and kinda limiting how high I get.

    Yeah I have been trying to do that and it helps I just can't focus to much on whatevers bothering me. And I have been taking it pretty slow trying to just get as high as i can without any anxiety and hopefully increasing that.

    What i hope happens is that I can get as high as I want with no anxiety and somehow getting rid of my anxiety for good kinda like people facing there fears. Because I have anxiety attacks just exercising sometimes and it would be nice to not have to worry bout taking my anxiety pills
  10. Yeah, i had the same problem. I was off for a year and when icame back to smoking panic attacks would happened all the time. I've been smoking for like 4 months now. To be honest you just have to relize that it's normal and its all mental. I didn't even know that MJ made your heart beat fast. Just take a few slow breathes drink some water and enjoy the heavy feeling. Something that i found that works is exercise or do something moving, it seems that when you burn some energy you cool down fast.

    I hate when people say that these dont happen. I'm not afraid to admit that they've happenned multipe times to me and some of them are preety scary. Even eating brings it down, and if yur having social anxiety or something just take smaller hits. Most people are not goingto be watching how big of hits your taking.


    Just say the truth, say your at a really good level or high and you want to stay right where your at. Nothings wrong with that. depending on when and where i am or about to be depends on how high i want to get.

    Basically just relax your fine. It's all mental, if your on your way to a party or smoking with a friend thinking "Man, i don't think i should be smoking this much, ima trip" Then your going to trip. Have fun and smoke. Smoking pot isnt a bad thing.

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