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Anxiety and marijuana

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by kouch, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. Hello i've been smoking for a little over 7 years now and have thoroughly enjoyed being high for most of this time but in the last 6 months to a year about half the time I get really bad anxiety when stoned in a public setting. It can go from being tolerable with just kind of a anxious feeling to all of a sudden straight up fuckin nervous wreck status lol. When this happens I get really dehydrated, then lightheaded and its like I can feel my blood pressure rising and it feels like everyone is looking at me and I have to talk myself into chillin out..I've been to the doctor recently and got a physical and my blood pressure checked and the doc said my blood pressure is fine and theres nothing to be concerned about so I know that rise in blood pressure is caused by my anxiety. If im not high in public im all good i dont get anxious and when im at home I really enjoy being high still but if I know I have to go somewhere I wont smoke. Does anyone else have experiences like this and if so what did you do to overcome the anxiety?

  2. I have had bad anxiety in the past and still do to a lesser degree. To me, it's almost always something going on within myself. it's like you tell yourself a story and you believe it, then when it comes into question in a particular moment where that belief is vulnerable, or that way of thought is a hindrance, anxiety sprouts. Deep breaths, ask yourself, especially in those moments why am I acting like this, what can I do to alleviate and get over this issue. Ask yourself. You always know best what's right for you, provided you have the right intentions in mind.
  3. When I have this I just question my life and it sucks but then I watch funny videos on YouTube lol and forget about it.

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  4. Could be indicative of a burgeoning problem with anxiety or just social anxiety. It's okay, it happens to a lot of us. I'd suggest talking to your primary doctor and getting set up with a psychiatrist through a referral. They'll probably try a mild SSRI like Prozac or something, and probably get you to go to talk therapy starting once a week, then tapering down to twice a month, then once a month or as-needed eventually. Don't be embarrassed or defensive if this might be the case, because it's reallly common. I've dealt with anxiety for many years. Just be aware, if they go for the SSRI route, it can take a few weeks to start working.
  5. Honestly, I would avoid any sort of pill to alleviate the anxiety. This, along with most illnesses/imbalances are mainly due to the shit we feed our minds. Really what is most needed is someone to talk to, like a psychiatrist yes, however they can be costly. If there's someone you genuinely appreciate conversing with, believe me they will be willing to listen, just lay it out that there's things that trouble you and you need an ear to listen and they are your best pick for the situation. Most people would be flattered or honored.

    This is through my own experience, obviously I can't speak for others, hell my brother took pills for a year for anxiety lol
  6. mmm.. If you do not have anxiety when you are sober, you should not be taking anxiety medication.

    Dealing with this by yourself is important, but also understand that what you are describing sounds strikingly similar to a panic attack and for you to not have anxiety sober, but then to smoke up and almost have a panic attack in the community does not make a ton of sense. Based on that information alone, you either have anxiety when you are sober or are just smoking way too much for your level of coping ability.

    This one is outta my hands, you gotta go see somebody about that or just don't get really stoned.

    A panic attack will kinda be like.. Having the air infront of your face so hot that you cannot breathe, almost like having your face infront of a strong fan and being unable to catch your breath. When you hit that point for the first time, that is going to be ugly as hell and with people around, like fuck, that is a bad spot to be in; if your standing in maybe a grocery store, you will probably hit the floor or bare minimum sit down. The thing about being at that stage of an attack is that, that is when the people are going to start actually trying to help you and that is when your anxiety will peak, you will have no clue how to react to people running up to you or thinking your on crazy hard drugs or something. <--- Just smoke less weed dude, this is not a scenario you want any part of or manage your schedule better so you do all your inclusion in the community before you go home to smoke.

    I would personally stop smoking weed before i would ever take anxiety medication so i could be in public while i was high, that is just silly, although a very valid suggestion in most contexts of anxiety.
  7. Sounds like you suffer with social anxiety. Cannabis brings that out of you in a "violent" way
    My suggestion is that you start using cannabis as a temporary cure rather than any sort of treatment. I'm speaking empirically here in regards with anxiety; smoke weed by yourself, the more anxiety you feel the more you smoke. You want to psychologically torture yourself. Do this for a few weeks in a row and then just quit cold turkey. Now when sober you'll feel no anxiety whatsoever. My own estimates; 1 week of anxiety-torture=1 day of anxiety-free sobriety
  8. don't smoke in public and keep a decent tolerance. weed induces anxiety for me too.

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