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Anxiety 9/10 times i smoke.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by PerkaLater, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. So to start out, for around 3 years i was a heavy smoker, everyday i would smoke a gram or 2, which was alot for the amount of money i had. So i moved and i smoked after like 7 months and almost every time i smoke i get strong anxiety. the first minute or 2 after i take a hit, i'm fine, but then out of nowhere my heart will go super fast, like i can feel it go bump bump bump and it's racing. I won't even know what i'm having anxiety about, it's just generalized. I miss smoking, i loved it whenever i smoked, i felt good, happy, relaxed. Now most times i smoke, it's like that. the only times i don't get super anxiety when i smoke is if i'm drunk or if a take a few xanax. Has anyone else experienced this, and does anyone know how to get it to stop without alcohol or benzos? i really miss smoking. By the way when ive been smoking now i only take like 2 hits so i'm pacing myself. thanks. and dont say just quit smoking cus i love smoking i just want to get over this problem.
  2. A major factor is weed being illegal to most people. Only causes people to be paranoid when they smoke.
  3. The same thing has started to happen to me. It started about a month ago. I've been smoking for a year now. I'll get high and become paranoid because my heart is beating so fast. Then, I'll start thinking my throat is closing up or some shit and that I'm not getting enough oxygen so I become conscious of my breathing and start breathing deeply. It's weird as fuck but I still get high because after I convince myself I'm fine, its all good. And this only happens when I'm alone. When I smoke with other people my mind is off it and everything is great. It's just being conscious of all this makes you paranoid. Try forgetting about it.
  4. I've definitely had that before. A lot of the time you can develop anxiety when you change the place where you smoke. Moving can do that because even if you rationally know that you're probably fine your high self heightens anxiety that somehow you might get caught. I could be wrong but for me personally when I moved into an apartment in Philly I was surrounded by other apartments and even though I knew there was no smell coming out through my door every time i heard something while i smoked i kept thinking it was the cops. Sometimes you have to pace yourself, space out your smoking, deep breathe, and keep reminding yourself you're in a comfortable space. Eating a little before you start toking or drinking tea to help calm you down can help. usually these things are psychological so you have to try and find out what you think might be causing this. It could be the move, the new area, or stress. If all else fails experiment with a ratio of tobacco and weed. I personally don't like tobacco but sometimes diluting it a little bit can help until you build it up again. Hope this helps.
  5. thanks guys, it's so shitty though. The weird thing is, after the initial high and when the comedown starts at, that's when my high actually gets to the good area when it used to, it's lame. If i only smoke a little bit then i don't even get to that point, so i basically have to get really really high to get anything out of it. Weed is basically legal where i live so i don't have to worry about that though.
  6. anyone else have any advice?

  7. Ditto
  8. I got heavy anxiety as well when i used to smoke. I noticed that too much caffine could be the culprit....and adrenal fatigue. I started taking L-tyrosine, taurine and siberian ginseng and WOW, made a huge difference. They are all natural supplements and can be bought OTC at most health stores. It helped ALOT with anxiety when smoking. Give it a try. Now when i smoke i get all the nice benefits of the bud, without the anxiety and heart pounding
  9. You obviously have a pre-existing anxiety disorder that the marijuana brings out. Find how to defeat it (life changing spiritual experience) or it will only get worse; Quit smoking pot or defeat your anxiety... Find out what you are afraid of and find a way to trick your mind to not be.
  10. I had more anxiety after my move, especially when using sativas. I was less anxious on indicas. Maybe try that if you haven't. Also, when I notice my heart start to race I try not to focus on it and instead watch something funny or do something pleasant to distract me. Hope you find something that helps.

  11. i drank my first cup of coffee in a week today and i felt anxious and stressed out.

    fuck coffee
  12. I have gotten anxietal a few times but it wasn't from the weed itself. I was pretty scared. I was in the backyard with two of my cousins and we were smoking and having a good time and we started talking about the universe and we looked up and there was this "V" shaped thing right above us moving really slowly. I got so freaked out I thought aliens were invading. I still don't know what that was.

    Another time, I had just smoked and then there were ten loud ass explosions near my house and it seemed like it traveled from one side of my neighborhood straight across to the other. Once again I thought aliens were invading.

    Now that I think of it, maybe it is the weed.
  13. I'm in the same boat man. Triggers a lot of anxiety for me, but i've had time to think about it and I can usually get myself to feel OK again after I smoke just by slowing things down and focusing on breathing. Imagine inside of your brain is a thermometer, and when you're feeling anxiety, imagine the thermometer to be all the way to the top. Try to imagine the mercury in the thermometer slowly going down, until it's all the way at the bottom. Relax. It's all in your head.
  14. put the good green down OP, your working with baby lungs
  15. Shit bro, I smoke everyday but until I got into trouble with the law a few times because of weed, in jail and shit, the same shit happens to me. I'm always more paranoid than I used to be when I smoke weed. I always look around when I'm smoking, and my heart just starts racing. Even when I'm traveling with weed I always hide it somewhere that I know the cops won't find.
  16. I get this way if I smoke too much and I'm out at a public place. I bought a vaporizer so I can smoke a small amount and get pretty baked off of it
  17. I used to get that when i first started smoking weed regularly but now that I have been doing it more often and just pushing through the bad anxiety while smoking early I have become relaxed with it, also I have severe panic disorder as well as depression and severe OCD and am on Clonazepam (kind of like a sedative so it lowers your response to anxiety) as well as Cipralex (antidepressant which prevents anxiety and panic attacks ) and abilify (for the OCD thought processes) and I think that helps alot too with smoking weed and being relaxed so if you are really troubled try asking your doc for some anti anxiety pills and just take them on days when you are goanna smoke.
  18. I have a little bit of anxiety but more-so sober especially with people I haven't see in a long time, but when I'm high its way easier and natural when I talk sounds like a well rehearsed speech. The paranoia usually comes if I'm in a uncomfortable setting, non-chill people and not thinking logically, listen to some music with headphones that should calm you.
  19. I also get anxiety when I smoke sometimes. Usually the saliva Dom variety. I smoke Kaia Kush and that NEVER HAPPENS. I take a Xanax when I know I am going to be smoking the saliva, usually takes care of it. ;)

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