Ants are fucking up my plants! They are only 6 or 7 days old and ants are crawling all over them. What can I do to stop them? I dont have much money so it has to be cheap or free if possible. Please HELP! And I only have 2 growing but they are only on 1 plant..
Run to the hardware store or Lowes and get a pack of "ant hotels". Its got 4 little plastic things that the ants go in and eat and die. 4$
Check for aphids. Ants "farm" aphids to eat the aphid honeydew. If it is just ants, then it shouldn't be a problem. If you have aphids..................... I don't like aphids. I got a clone from a club in NorCal with Super aphids that were immune to every poison on earth.
boric acid for most ants. Use a cotton and a jar. Organic. Some fire ants (red...) can't be stopped unless with chemicals (traps)
Diatomacious earth and mix some cinnamon in with it too .. .. Lay it nice and heavy around the plants base .. And spray some diluted neem oil on the babies .. .. Ants wont really mess things up too much .. But they will "farm" aphids .. The aphids produce a honey dew that the ants eat .. So the ants carry aphids from plant to plant .. The aphids destroy the plant and the ants bring the honey dew back to the colony .. .. Luck .. .. ..
get some chalk crush it up and make a circle around ur plants it will be a barrier they shall not pass.