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Anti spliff movement in the UK

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 420blazed, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I think there needs to be a movement where people in the UK stop using tobacco when smoking cannabis. Some people only smoke it with tobacco because they have been told the following

    I'm going to explain what's wrong with these statements;

    "It won't burn without tobacco" this is utter crap, I think I speak for everyone who smokes joints when I say a joint burns fine with just weed.

    "It hits you faster" This is not the case at all, whats actually happening is you're getting a nicotine buzz from unfiltered tobacco which makes you light headed, this is not the weed hitting you it's the nicotine.

    "Smoking pure is a waste of weed and uses too much" A waste of weed? is there really such thing? usually people who smoke spliffs get 3 spliffs from a gram when mixed with tobacco where as normally I get 2, people say I want to get more from what i've got, instead of rolling 3 spliffs why not roll 2 nice joints. You get a better taste and it's healthier.

    "Because pure tastes bad" I've heard many people say this and I know what the problem is, they're getting shit weed/schwag and we all know what that tastes like, you just need to get a new dealer and get your hands on some dank bud.

    And remember what tobacco does to you:

    Plus remember when smoking tobacco in a spliff theres not a huge fat filter to filter the smoke so you're smoking it unfiltered too which is bad on the lungs.

    Plus what looks more appealing to you
    or this?

    I know people will post saying it's up to the people to choose however they want to smoke it but I just don't think it's worth mixing cancer with your weed and there needs to be more people in the UK smoking weed without tobacco because it's unheard in some places to smoke a joint with just weed.
  2. If you don't want to smoke spliffs then don't smoke spliffs. You hit the nail on the head with "it's up to the people to choose however they want to smoke". Just because you don't think it's worth it doesn't mean people need to start smoking how you want them to.

    And people say it wastes weed because it tends to burn more slowly when it's mixed, not because they get three joints instead of two.
  3. Yeah it's the people who don't smoke tobacco and then use it with their bud because they think that for some reason it won't burn properly. I actually know people who think weed won't burn properly by itself, they actually believe that shit!

    Tobacco sucks anyway, it's bad for people to use, especially if they only smoke it with bud because then they end up developing a habit. A lot of people who develop a weed smoking habit usually just want that niccy buzz.
  4. TS you dictating others is just as bad as the government saying we can't use drugs period. If you don't like spliffs don't smoke them. Us tobacco smokers know the effects of tobacco(Which isn't as bad as you think. Real smokers use organic tobacco and not chemically soaked cigarettes) and when you non smokers need to preach to us the only result is irritation. To each their own.
  5. I don't like any of those statements, period.
    1. It won't burn without tobacco? That's just false, if someone smokes weed and actually believes that that person isn't a true stoner. That's basic 101, I've never heard someone say it won't burn without tobacco, that's ridiculous.

    2. It hits you faster? How does it hit you faster? Tobacco is much more harmful and causes cancer, wtf? It in no way "hits you faster" it's the same.

    3. Smoking pure is a waste of weed? Hahahha, that's how TRUE stoners smoke, they don't have to mix shit, they just smoke the herb the way it is. If you want to get high you just use bud.

    4. PURE BUD TASTES BAD? Only a fucking poser would say that. If you don't like the taste of weed you're just a poser, you're not a real stoner. The reason people smoke weed is because they like the taste.

    God damn, some people in the UK are just retarded, they should quit smoking. And I have nothing against spliffs, if you want to kill yourself and get cancer go ahead, I like herb by itself I don't like tobacco but do what you want. I just cant stand those stupid, irrational statements that aren't even true at all.
  6. #6 BalkanCommie, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    oh man i used to hate it when i was in europe and people would mix weed with tobacco. the shit gives me a headache

    Stay green my feller citizens :bongin:
  7. :) said well.

  8. Well ding ding. You've won first ignorant thing I've heard/read all day congrats :hello:

    First of all it's poseur. If you are going to have an argument at least spell correctly. Second, everyones taste buds are different. That's why people like and dislike different foods. And that last part, the only reason people smoke cannabis is for the taste? Asinine, pure asinine. To my knowledge the main reason smoke weed is BECAUSE IT IS A DRUG, derp. Intoxication, heard of it? I've never heard of anyone smoking it for taste.
  9. I guess everyone has their specific taste. I personally hate mixing tobacco with marijuana. Marijuana is marijuana, and should be smoked and enjoyed in pure form, not mixed down with tobacco. And I find the taste of pure marijuana actually good, I don't know what other people are talking about.
  10. #10 burtontoker, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Ignorant post? How about you shut the fuck up you retard. Yea people smoke to get high, but MOST people I know who smoke like the taste of weed, thats what I MEANT. Weed tastes great, I love the taste of it.

  11. Dude ur not an adult you GTFO.

    This is not the place for your misplaced and misguided hormonal rage.:wave:
  12. why is he a retard? ahhh i see he PWNED you thats why
  13. #13 burtontoker, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    I'm not starting a flame war, I don't appreciate him starting shit. I meant to say people smoke weed cause they like the taste and the high. Get off his dick, fags. I'm 18 brah, OWNED!

    Name calling is not tolerated on the City. -Durchii
  14. 1. It burns slower with baccy and what gives you the right to class people as "true stoners"? Surely a stoner is someone who smokes weed on a regular basis.

    2. How do you know it doesnt hit you faster? I dont think it does but ive never realy looked into it.

    3. Again with this true stoner bullshit and who said they have to mix? I mix but from the way your talking I bet I could smoke you under the table. But even if I could I wouldnt call myself a better stoner than you.

    4. Thats personal preference, you can only give your opinion.

    and as for your last paragraph. You think people should stop smoking weed because there not doing it to your standards? Oh and the irony of your last sentance is EPIC.
  15. There has been a lot of ignorance and flaming going on within this thread, and if the past post hadn't been related to getting the thread back on track, I would have closed it.

    Let's stop causing problems and get back on topic.

  16. #16 WeedBratton, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    This. Nothing is more insulting to a smoker when someone walks up to them and starts lecturing them on how bad tobacco is for them. You shouldn't be starting an anti spliff movement so much as a pro joint movement. Let everyone make their own choices, people who do the most harm often think they are doing the greatest good.

    I personally love spliffs, but I don't smoke them too often, or else the tobacco loses it's kick.

    As for the whole "it hits you faster" argument, well, a spliff does tend to "hit you faster" then a joint, but thats just the tobacco hitting you, not the marijuana. And as for burning, I've found that spliffs tend to burn slower then joints because of the tobacco.
  17. #17 Numbnuts, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    The whole "It won't burn without baccy" is due to the hash culture we had in the 90s, where actual bud wasn't so common in the UK. To burn hash in joint form you do need tobacco and people just never realised the same doesn't apply to bud, then passed it on to the next generation of stoners. I myself tend to smoke spliffs, they're not that good for me but I don't smoke that much and as it is, I'm pretty skint. It stretches the weed further and that's good for me.

    EDIT: Actually I think tobacco can help it burn better, but that really depends on whether the bud is ground enough, if it's been cured properly or a little damp etc.
  18. It gives you a headrush and it's true that it does burn better, I wouldn't worry.

  19. Man, that hash culture is still lingering in some parts :smoking: Shame its mostly that terrible soapbar though :eek:

    But yeah, I enjoy the tobacco i put in my spliffs. but I don't enjoy being lectured on it. Leave people be, dude.
  20. WOW!!!

    Just chill guys, good to see some "debate" going on but hey, it's personal preferance wether u mix ur weed with baccy or not.

    I do mostly, although don't mind a joint without any baccy. I don't think it really matters as long as u smoke to enjoy the weed.

    Its kinda like some people want sugar in their coffee and others dont - just take it how u like it best and enjoy. :smoke:

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