So I came across this article and it really just infuriates me. Why on earth are they shutting down raves? Raves are a pretty safe environment as far as I can tell. It's a controlled situation, with water readily available for dancers, as well as supervisors, and access to EMT if need be. It's important to know that ecstasy in and of itself probably isn't what kills ravers. It's the many hours of dancing without any liquid intake. I've heard of more people dying at a house party with a bunch of kids who don't know what the fuck they're doing than at a rave. Raves are badass, and ideally, I'd like to play music at some point in the future at one. I want to get into DJing and mixing, beat matching and all that fun stuff. Here's a link to the full bill itself: AB 74 Assembly Bill - INTRODUCED Forgive me if I seem retarded or am not making much sense, I'm severely sleep deprived and quite woozy lol.
Yeah idk how I feel about this... Ive been to 2 concerts at the same place and some 17 year olds died both times. The place was giving away small bottles of water for 3 dollars lol. People need hydration at these places.
Yep! I used to go to and put on partys (raves) back in the mid/late 90's. I used to spin Drum & Bass, all the partys back then were illegal as fuck, with paid off cops as security and other illegal shit like, tanks of gas, drug dealers all over, under age kids etc.. Fuck I was like 15 years old when I started going.. Never saw anybody die, but saw plenty of people wig out.. Raves are not safe period, its a drug infested place were anybody, at any age can come and take any drug they can afford to buy. If you really love the music that much, there are plenty of legal shows out there. Raves are for kids that are not old enough to get into a bar or club..
Nowadays some genres have gone a bit sketchy but there's still plenty of underground raves that are definatley worth going to jjust for the atmosphere (psytrance, music's ok but the crowd are worth it).
I bet its rad in the UK, here in the states the scene is dead.. Atleast it is for me, Im 29 years old, have kids and a wife, I can barley ever find time to spin records these days.. I would love to go to a UK party..
So true.. people read these anti-rave acts (which have been around, and are reintroduced almost yearly like clock-work, since the 90's) and they assume that all the professional clubs and private parties will be shut down or somehow monitored more than before, which isn't the case. It's the above, illegally and usually secretly planned, open-to-the-public parties, that are being busted. Usually in the woods, fields, or abandoned warehouses... or someone's rented apartment/house, the day before they plan to vacate the premises, leaving it in shambles. Like someone else said... if it wasn't illegal already, it wasn't really a rave Judging by the tone of the article, I'm assuming the person who wrote the Cali 'anti-rave law' story is very, very young, because they seem to have no recollection of all the times it's happened in the very recent past.
I dont think they need to shut them down but they def need free water and more security. I have only been to one rave for New Years 2001. It was a massive so there were like 90k people there. I saw some guy get stabbed in the head less then 20 feet infront of me. Not something you want to see while rolling and frying balls. It put a damper on my rave experience. It does seem the majority of the scene is under age. Everyone I knew that was a "raver" quit going after they turned 18-20.
Yea they have been trying to expose partys and shit since I started in 95.. Here is a video of the local news station that did an undercover deal, I was at this party and know a few people in the video ha. Notice the cop car?? [ame=]YouTube - WCCO Undercover Rave Video[/ame] Either way there are already laws that make throwing an underground party illegal, ranging from charging people at the door, corrupt cops, drugs, underage kids past curfew etc.., they just never enforced the laws already in place,because the promoters were paying people off and people were making money from it. Its kinda like I said above, the whole idea of an underground party is illegal. There are ways to make it seem legal, like getting a permit for lets say a "CD release party" Its the drug use that has people all up in arms about it.. Yea as soon as I turned 18 I started going to places with college girls and beer, raves are fucking dirty and nasty, plus its very hard to have a conversation when there is 500,000 watts of speakers blasting.. I did have a fun time doing it though, some of the best times OP if you want to spin music man, just get some decks, a mixer and start learning how to match a beat, take your time and practice..
Im 25 and I still love raves/eclubs and all that stuff. Especially when I got a ton of stuff I cant mention! These laws arnt gonna do a damn thing to shut down raves or drug use. Its just a token symbol of their self ritchous disapproval.
If you ban raves, why not ban concerts? After all they are both akin; raves has more regulations to it and drinks cost more therefore people has a higher chance dehydrating and may die.
About 85% of the Party's I had been to were in no way anything like a concert, no compairison. The regulations at concerts are way more involved. At concerts you don't have a room dedicated to the Nitrous tank guy selling balloons in the open.. Fuck I went to a Rave in a Cave and places were there was espestice falling on you all night, not safe at all..
Motherfuckers forgot about PLUR, I don't like those people, they get in my way when I'm dancing. GIVE ME SOME FUCKIN SPACE
hooooooooly shit I had no idea he ment asbestos hahahahaha seriously I'm tripping I find this far too funny