Anti-Marijuana Propaganda

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by FatManisLegend, May 29, 2009.

  1. Doesn't It just boil your'e blood when they use the gateway lie?
    It's getting bad now and it's going to get worse I do believe in legalization and it will most certainly happen within my lifespan but propaganda is just that it's made up bull
    about anything anyone remember when they said it had carcinogens in it?
    look what happened harvard scientist dismissed that one. But now the Gateway theory has resurfaced I just watched a video about the debate on legalization all I gotta say is Bill O reily is full of shit. Marijuana has nothing to do with violent crimes
    but there is something that does. Alchohol It leads to rape, Murder, fights, vandalism, and robbery Marijuana is completely harmless Iv'e been puffin for about all of my life and Iv'e quit drinkin about three years ago and Iv'e been on a strict Ganja diet ever since It's been wonderful The only way we can deal with propaganda is to do what we do best hit that pipe load that bong and rip that bubbler because It is the only way to fully exercize your rights. Because sooner or later people are going to take notice and see the light
  2. true words man. ill hit to that :smoking:
  3. They will always pull that bull shit gateway theory. All we need is more scientists and health professionals releasing great reports that shoot down the gateway theory.
  4. everyone already knows the gateway theory is not true.
  5. Oh really marijuana leads to heroin, meth, cocaine, etc? Well if that ideology is true, then you might as well say water leads to milk, and milk leads to alcohol.....There is no end, it's a pathetic theory that makes no sense.
  6. One joint is the equivalent to 55 packs of filterless cigarettes.
  7. Marijuana does contain known carcinogens, they simply don't appear to cause cancer. I have a feeling it has something to do with how marijuana seems to slow the spread of cancer cells. Some sort of yin yang balance. Clearly I'm not a scientist though.

    I actually love the fact that it has carcinogens yet doesn't cause cancer, it jus goes to show it really is a wonder drug.

    Speaking of propaganda I just saw one in a magazine that pissed me off pretty good. It was all text about steps on how to talk to your children about drugs (marijuana), it said don't lie...but the very next step was don't tell them the whole truth about your use, "Remember this is a coversation, not a court room."

    It presented ZERO POINT ZERO percent facts on why marijuana is bad, just tell your kids not to do it then provided 3 different approaches to start your honest, heartfelt speech.

    It made me sick. The TV ads rarely get to me because they are so over the top "reefer madness-esque" they do nothing but promote it. The Obama era ones are more low key than the Bush era running over little girls and shooting yourself but equally as funny. The dog one is great, I keep confusing the Family Guy spoof and the real thing, they are both hilarious. The couch melting girl, everyone has the same reaction "I wish I could find weed that made me feel like that!"

  8. it would be nice to get some reputable u.s. scientists to do some research. too bad they aren't allowed to do that though. i hear so many people saying stuff about how not enough research has been done to know what the health effects of weed are. and then i say thats because most of the best scientists aren't allowed to do any studies on it.
  9. Ya assholes like John Walters always talk about we don't know how safe it really is the research isn't there, ignoring the fact it's because of them.

  10. they aren't ignoring it. they know damn well it is pretty impossible to get any research done when it is illegal to do the research in most countries. but they can keep making that argument because nobody ever calls them on that.
  11. Heres a link everyone should check out

    If u go to the link there is a poll about legalization
  12. John Walters is the kind of guy who would have led the Salem Witch Trials. "We don't know if witches exist but they might so lets just hang these people and play it safe."

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