anti illuminati

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Buzzwell420, Oct 29, 2011.

  1. yo wtf there is all this devil shit and i know its just duality and and :illusion: but
    still playing the game and we gotta wake up yo

    anti antichrist

    thy will be done lord

    people of GC and the light
    let your light shine.

    fuck all the different religion shit.

    TRUST in the LORD the father(mother) of light.

    god is all things or is nothing.

    lets get on some of this holy tip and shine together. anti illimunminati.

    we got churches but idk if they really be knowing .

    do we need magic>

    wtf YO:cool:
  2. Are you a crazy person?
  3. we need magic yo
  4. killuminati
  5. All through ya body.
  6. You could definitley be a comedian just cause of the way you deliver your words cause whether you're doing it on purpose or not I crack the fuck up everytime I read your shit haha I think it's a combination of the way u post, ur avatar, and then ur sig :laughing:

    I feel you though...I always see where you're comin from and you got some good shit to say
  7. Schizophrenic much?
  8. hey man with craziness comes great crazy knowledge that exists but people tend to deny it cause their pussies and aren't ready to face the truth! Keep spread the info bro :hello:

    cant handle the truth now then smoke some bowls and increase your intuition :bongin:

    Ignorance is bliss for some :cool:
  9. i'm missing the point? am i ? or is it everyone else who is missing the point?
  10. Ambrosia for thought. I couldn't agree more, though. Well said.
  11. whatever he is on, i'll take two.
  12. everything is nothing and its all around us
    i put the light out long ago
    in the dark its easier to see
    nobody knows
    they never did
    its all a game
    and it never ends

  13. :cool:







    whats ambrosia?:cool:


  14. i dont know what your saying dingus.
    but it sounds crazy
  15. def: food of the gods.
  16. Wtf, there has been some retarded fucking threads tonight. D

  17. Or maybe they're so smart, and you're so retarded, that it just goes way above your head and so you think they're retarded?
  18. :cool:

    way to be a hater
  19. maybe those threads were construed by individuals whose minds fire at a different rate and aren't exactally from this...terrestrial realm

    [ame=]Exclusive: Charlie Sheen Says He's 'Not Bipolar but 'Bi-Winning' (02.28.11) - YouTube[/ame]

    just maybe
  20. all hail satan!!!

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