Anthony Bourdain and Andrew Zimmern

Discussion in 'General' started by SourDieselChick, Jan 27, 2008.

  1. anyone watch Anthony Bourdain's show No Reservations? i love it. he goes all over the world eating the foods of other places. I liked when he went to India and went to a Bhang shop. another show i watch is Bizzarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern. He goes all around the world to eat the weirdest food he can find. They are both on the Traven Channel.
  2. I've seen Anthony Bourdain a few times on Top Chef. He is always really funny and entertaining.

    I have yet to see his show "No Reservations", but I will check it out.
  3. I have both shows setup to record on my DVR. I love these guys. Moreso Zimmern cuz to me, Bourdain comes across as a bastard to me sometimes.

    but they are both cool and I wouldn't touch a damn thing either of these guys ingest on a regular basis
  4. haha yeah i love those shows. haha i always laugh at how un welcome he seems to be at some of the 3rd world peoples houses. like on the episode i saw to day where they have like an iguana for their whole dinner and Zimmern just comes with them and eats like half of it
  5. I'm not a huge fan of Zimmern, but Anthony Bourdain is awesome. He'll eat just about anything that's served to him by the native people of wherever he happens to be. He turns each trip into a unique experience with his attitude and the way he narrates.
  6. +rep

    Anthony Bourdain is the shit. I've seen like every episode. He's pretty much the shit, and he's always drinking and smoking which is funny. I KNOW he smokes pot cause he used to be into harder stuff back in the day, and in one episode (India) he drank Bhang! I can't wait until the Travel Channel lets him go to Amsterdam/Holland.

    Bizarre Foods with Abdrew Zimmerman is amazing also. I got mad respect for him and the shit that he has eaten. He also always explores the local scene of whatever country he is in and is never afraid to eat in the strangest kitchens.

    I love watching these shows when I'm stoned. I get the munchies like a motherfuka

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