So I'm already getting started for a winter grow. Going to b doing a lot of training on plant and thought it would be great time to start the grow. First pic is the Northern Lights x Big Bud, today marks day one above ground. Second pic is from my last winter grow ( Humboldt Seeds Black D.O.G). Didn't harvest a lot but was happy with how everything turned out and just having successful grow. Hope to have another this time around. I also have a current outdoor grow as well. Any and all in put is welcomed and if u guys have any questions feel free to ask. Stay up fam. Sent from my moto e5 play using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I read the title as "another WINDOW grow".....I scrolled down and saw that pic and IMMEDIATELY scrolled back to the top!! Very pretty bro
Thanks bro. It was a freebie. I'll prob order some in the future. Sent from my moto e5 play using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Everything is going good so far. I have journal on it as well. I'll post a pic later on if not tomorrow. Sent from my moto e5 play using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Hey everybody lots has happened. Where to start. Ran into a problem with over watering I guess u can say. So I had some soil which was dry so I had soaked it and had put seedling in it and should have left sit for day or so before planting seedling. I didn't and that's where my problem started. Thought I had root rot or something cuz plant was stunted and didn't think it would bounce back. It had been growing ok and it's kinda small since. Topped her and did some training. Looks a lil naked but she's doing ok. Running into problem I popped two other seeds. Thinking plant wouldn't recuperate. One is Grape Og and one Critical Kush. So idk what to do exactly run all three plants or what. Regardless going to grow to new plants and may give away original plant to good friend of mine. I hope to flower and harvest plants by end of December so I can have another run of new set of beans. I'm going to b searching for some good decent purple strains that actually turn purple. Recently placed order on seeds from BC Bud Depot( Ultimate Purple and The Purps). And will grow those later on. Also will probably start different journal for Grape Og and Critical Kush. Here's some pics as they are right now. Starting with the northern lights x big bud ( month old: first two pics) followed by grape og (next two pics) and critical kush (last two pics). Both plants are 2 weeks old. Sent from my Pixel 3a using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Been gone but still here and growing. Everything going good plants are big and bushy and there one week into flower. The northern lights x big bud is in soil and other two are in coco. Group shot. Sent from my Pixel 3a using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Thought to post what I have going on in my veg tent. Have two plants vegging. The Purps and ultimate purple (photo period fem). And one auto gorilla purple, which just recently started to flower. Sent from my Pixel 3a using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Man I was out of it last night. Didn't post pics of other plants. Sent from my Pixel 3a using Grasscity Forum mobile app