Another weird dream

Discussion in 'General' started by Redhead Smoka, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. So I just woke up from this dream where the Japanese came to my town and captured all the stoners and imprisoned us! [​IMG] So I'm pacing this room with one of my cousins, trying to figure out what to do. I look in the closet, and there's sheets and stuff. Then I go to the window and look way down on the busy street. Then I get the idea to make a chain out of the sheets, tie it to the dresser, and climb down, and run like hell. The dream is pointless from there on, except I keep redoing the scene where I climb down the makeshift rope.

    Anyway, has anyone ever done this? Made a rope out of sheets or clothes and climbed out of a window? Sounds kinda weird, but I'd like to learn how because the dream made me feel kinda the same way I do when I have my 'psychic' moments. Seriously, I think I might be psychic or something.
  2. How much do you weigh? Good luck tieng knots tight enough to hold you lol.

    But honestly I'm jealous of ur dream. I haven't remembered a dream in so long from smoking daily. My dreams are so intense when I take a t break. I love dreaming
  3. It's the full moon, gives me the most intense dreams.

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