New Petition: We Demand President Obama Resign Submitted by legalizeliberty on Sat, 06/08/2013 - 12:05 in Politics, General + Law(s) Spare the nation the ordeal of impeachment Paul Joseph Watson June 8, 2013 A new petition launched on the website demands that President Obama immediately resign over the innumerable unconstitutional actions he has overseen, notably the recent scandal surrounding wiretapping of journalists. The full petition, which can be found here: states the following: President Richard Nixon resigned after wiretapping a handful of journalists, sparing the nation the ordeal of impeachment. We call on Obama to do the same. His administration vetted the NSA's surveillance of millions of Americans and seriously violated the Fourth Amendment. He confiscated the personal records of reporters, thus violating the First Amendment, and the IRS under his watch harassed political organizations opposed to his policies. Moreover, his administration has lied under oath to Congress. In addition to violating Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution by invading Libya, his administration engaged in torture and conducted a covert drone war. Due to the severity of these crimes, we call for the immediate resignation of Barack Obama. The petition requires 100,000 signatures before July 7 in order to mandate an official White House response. Continue: dont know if this petition has been made before but as we all now know that we are being spied on, sign the thing and show your "leader" what ya really think of him and to Edward Snowden...hope you are safe wherever you may be and THANK YOU!
I'm sure there's been petitions calling for his resignation before. Not sure why people even bother with this stuff.
It may be pointless if a hundred thousand call for his resignation. It may be pointless if even a million call for his resignation. But I guarentee if we got 10, 20, or even 100 million to sign this, he would be forced to resign. But that wouldn't fix anything. They would just replace obama with another puppet and the wheels would keep turning without missing a beat.
They'll do with this petition the same thing they do everytime someone creates one that is pro-marijuana, once it gets going and almost has just enough signatures, they will pull it from the website, never to be seen again.
damn the raised the amount of signatures needed significantly, it used to be 25,000....they probally won't even answer or respond to this one, as they haven't on several of them, that have more than met the requirement to get a response, and have been on there a while
im not american so i cant sign. and in truth,im more interested in seeing the comedy of obama explaining why he shouldnt be impeached after it hits 100 000 if he would even respond
It's usually just some representative with some long drawn out political answer that has nothing to do with the question You know , the usual Same shit you get at any press conference I swear it's a crock of shit What's wrong with yes or no haha
there suppose to, but ive seen some that haven't been answered in months and they have more than met they amount needed this one only needed 25,000 thats not even all of them, thats just a few of them