looks pretty legit to me..i used to think it was mostly bullshit but i believe in aliens now but you decide if this is real or not [ame=http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshho6TPx80kobO20xWe]Video: This Ish Right Here Is Crazy: UFO Sighting Hanging Over Jerusalem![/ame]
There's another thread already in Pandora's Box about it. I thought these videos were pretty convincing too, but there's a video on Youtube that shows an audio analysis of it, and the audio is all spliced together. There are multiple splice points that are inaudible, but show fractions of a second where there is absolutely no sound (not even background noise or whitenoise) indicating spliced audio. Also, the lens flares remain constant in relation to the light, even though the camera is moving. So it's a still image with effects added over top. Also, in one of the videos of the same incident where they zoom in, you can see pixelation either from the still image or because it's video of a still image on the screen. The pixelation remains constant with the image, not the camera, so it's not part of the camera's operation (like pixelating at maximum digital zoom or anything). It is a well orchestrated hoax, but a hoax none-the-less. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5s78wr0UF0"]YouTube - HOAX! - Third View of UFO over Temple Mount in Jerusalem[/ame]