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Another Tincture Thread - Try it, You'll like it

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by PsychedelicSam, Sep 4, 2012.

  1. I have received the lab results for the 45 minute sealed jar decarb and I don't think it could have turned out any better. Very positive and conclusive results. I'll try to get it edited and the comparative analysis posted sooner rather than later. I'm pretty excited about it because it not only proves the sealed jar concept but it also confirmed a couple of other aspects I've been extrapolating for a while now. Stay tuned. :ey:
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  2. 204347.png
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  3. Very curious indeed.

    "Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see."
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  4. upload_2017-12-21_15-50-9.png
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  5. Went with 1ml tonight and a planned binge of Firefly. Should get me nice and good!
    I still am curious about a "mega dose" (for me) to see how it affects my anxiety or if it just moves into a smoothed trippy-type of high... or if I just zonk out :p

    For now, though... double dose from last night :)

    Heeeeere we go!

  6. Explore to your heart's content. Remember that you can reduce it more if you want but watch out for a tolerance explosion if you're not careful. :sneaky:
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  7. Yeah I still want to see how far I can reduce it so it's still a fairly thin liquid, just thin enough to use "drops" as a dosing measurement (using LDPE dropper bottles), mostly just because, I don't know, portability? Curiosity? The "coolness" factor of having super-strength cannabis tincture in a small dropper bottle in my watch pocket?

    Not to mention all the fun edible recipes I want to get into still :p
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  8. That makes sense. Yes I’d be very interested in the process and theory behind it, if you wouldn’t mind:love-m3j: I’ve been very interested in tinctures and caps for a while and that’s probably all that I’m going to do with my next harvest lolol
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  9. I'm sure you have mentioned this process recently in this thread but it has been so active lately that I don't recall reading it. Would you please provide more details on what you do differently?
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  10. That works for me. :thumbsup:
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  11. I'm a big fan of psams easy and effective method of making tincture. It's ease of manipulation to adjust potency is a great advantage. The ability to do transfers to make a variety of products makes it unbelievably versatile.

    I feel, however, in processing our material, many are overlooking the importance of terpene retention. Terpenes are what give our cannabis its personality. It's responsible for creating the nuances of the strains we favor and should be held with equal importance that we place on thc conversion. While the boiling points of most monoterpenes are quite high, we must not lose sight of the fact that they are volatile and can evaporate rather rapidly with the introduction of heat or even exposed to ambient air.

    Other industries have a vested interest in terpene retention and have done a much better job of researching the problem than our community. The craft beer industry is endeavoring to maintain their valued myrcene in the hops they use. Tests have shown 50% losses in just 20 days when simply exposed to ambient air. Many terpenes are the basis of insecticides in agriculture and similar results have been established. With the introduction of heat, even far below the boiling point, excitement is induced which weakens the molecular cohesive bond and the lighter molecules are allowed to escape; I.e. evaporation.

    Commercial steam distillation processors extract terpenes by heating the donor material to a temperature capable of evaporation and then chilling the separated terpenes, causing them to condense to a state for collection. All this process is performed in a closed pressurized environment to avoid escape.

    To replicate this process, I do a closed container (granny's ol' mason jar) to decarb in. At the end of the decarb process I DO NOT open the container but allow it to cool a bit and place it directly into the freezer. In theory, any terpenes that may have evaporated during the decarb process are still contained in the closed container and are condensed when introduced to the 0 degree freezer temps. At this point, I pretty well follow psams procedure. Take note the container hasn't been opened until the addition of the chilled ethanol.

    The process results in a dark tincture with a definite hue of orange. I've done several side by side processes comparing this method with a conventional open decarb procedure. Without exception, the "orange dragon" has always had a different dimension as well as increased efficacy.

    I presented two friends with some samples of the orange dragon that had not been reduced and some conventionally prepared green dragon that had been reduced to double the potency of the other. They both independently avered the orange dragon was more potent and presented a more pleasant effect.
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  12. Thank
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  13. Thank you PsychedelicSam for your reply! I appreciate it. I am on a number of medications.. the combination I was given after my heart attack is: asprin 1 daily, metoprolol tartrate 50mg 2x daily, lisinopril 2.5 mg daily and atorvastatin 80mg daily. I am concerned my BP and/or heart rate will go too low with the added RSO but cannot tell dr about RSO and I am told not to go off of the medications. I would like to see another cardiologist for another opinion. I also take Lyrica 150mg 2x daily (down from 3x daily and Baclafin 10mg 2x daily (down from 10mg am and noon and 30mg pm). My motor coordination was improving with RSO, but I discontinued it because I was frightened of the combination with the other medications, and now my coordination is deteriorating again. Idk what to do. It was a minor heart attack. The apex of my heart had some damage but is now ok. I do have coronary artery disease. I just don't think I need to be on all this medication. I was weaning off of the heart/BP meds but then felt super weird one night and got scared so put myself back on prescribed doses and stopped RSO.
  15. Thank you Mainah. I am glad to hear you are doing better!! And thank you for the Hawthorn berry heart syrup recipe.. I will check it out. Did you wean off medications on your own? How did you do it? Just monitor your BP as you go? Also, do you know how to monitor heart rate?
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  17. Sealed Jar Heated Decarb Analysis

    Sealed jar comparison chart.jpg
    Karma raw.jpg Karma 45 minute.jpg Karma sealed jar decarb.jpg

    Select Image to Enlarge
    For many people an open dish decarb in the oven is not an option because of the fragrance that wafts through the halls, for some reason or another. After all, I think it's heavenly. Nevertheless, the search has been on to find a stealthy way to accomplish the deed without announcing it to the world, or at least the neighbors. There's been a lot of different ideas but no actual hard data like we have with the open dish.

    A short while ago I started to wander that path in order to get a better idea about how good of a job some of those alternate decarb methods actually do. I began with a pressure cooker and a mason jar and while that did fully decarb the material, it took about 2.5 hours altogether and it left a little to be desired.

    Boocoodinkydow and CVCC began using sealed mason jars and we began discussing the merits and drawbacks of this method. The biggest selling point was the lack of smell but there is also the question about whether the terpenes that vaporize during the process will condense back onto the decarbed cannabis and retain their effectiveness, once the jar cools before opening. That will be a topic for another time due to budgetary constraints.

    One of the main drawbacks of this method is that it can keep the material moist enough to cause separation when making an alcohol tincture. Best results are attained by ensuring the material is a dry as possible and can be placed in the oven for a few minutes at very low heat. This should not affect the terpenes or cannabiniods.

    In my first test of this method I used 7g of coarsely broken up flowers within a 16oz sealed mason jar and placed it in a preheated oven stabilized between 240°-250°F with an oven thermometer. I placed the jar on the middle shelf in the middle of the oven for 60 minutes. I chose that amount of time as a guidepost to tell which way to go. It took into account that it might take the internal air temperature longer to reach the right spot or any other scenario that might come up.

    Because of things that I concluded from that initial 60 minute decarb I decided to try a similar time as I use for an open decarb, 45 minutes instead of 40 just to keep the samples at quarter hour segments. I suspected the 5 minute difference wasn't going to be much of a difference. There were some big differences between the 45 and 60 minute samples, though.

    Now onto the real news and hopefully it won't be too hard to explain. I have created a little chart using the lab results for the raw dried flower, the 45 minute and the 60 minute samples. The values on the 3 samples vary, some of which is due to the vagaries of testing, but there are significant differences between the timed decarbs and that's what I want to highligh.

    The raw sample shows us that it has THC, THCA and CBDA with no other detectable cannabinoids. This is indicative of very freshly dried material and it's an open canvas. It's showing us about 13% total THC isomers(12.8 THCA, .3 THC) and 1.9% CBDA.

    All the samples are from the same batch but values can vary from one part of a plant to another. I mention this because the THC value from the 60 minute sample is considerably lower than the raw sample and the CBD is higher. While there might be some small difference in the values, it's the conversion rate of THCA to THC and CBDA to CBD that we're really looking at here.

    Good news is that the 60 minute sample fully decarbed with absolutely no THCA remaining and nearly all of the CBDA had turned to CBD. There was no CBN created during the decarb either. The other news is that the 60 minute sample lost about 5% of it's THC compared to the raw flower. That is really too large an amount to blame on lab testing and I have seen the same phenomenon before when dealing with longer processing time. However, it could have been lab related so I couldn't say for sure until now. That thought is that once the THCA hits zero, only the further degradation of THC occurs. I'll show you.

    The latest sample was the same arrangement but only for 45 minutes this time and I don't think it could have come out better if we had tried. I won't really go into details because the numbers speak for themselves. We have just a little bit of THCA left which to me indicates that we haven't hit the mass destruction point yet. These results look a lot like the open dish results.

    Now that we have 3 samples we can get a better idea of the average values of the material and it looks like it should be in the 14-15% range. Of course, we would need many more samples to say for sure but I believe that we can say that the extra 15 minutes in the oven caused us to lose about 5% of our THC. I feel confident saying that due to other data I've seen that this corroborates.

    I'll leave you all to look things over and ask questions if needed. My brain is a bit worn from getting this together and I'm afraid I'm about to lose my way if I don't shut up for now. Most of this was background and the chart should tell the story. surmene (2015_10_01 04_32_03 UTC).gif
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  18. #18458 Frasier, Dec 22, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2017

    The amount of effort and resources put in to this are commendable. This information will probably help so many who value discretion. Hopefully soon that won't be an issue but until then, thank you P-Sam.

    "Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see."
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  19. You have pretty much described my own situation except that I take twice as much bp meds. Two of those are the blood pressure, the metoprolol and the lisinopril. The metoprolol keeps your heart rate steady and it was the one I had the most trouble with when using cannabis. I always felt like I was ready to pass out.

    How long have you been on the medication? Blood pressure meds can be really hard to get accustomed to, especially when you're adding cannabis to the mix. There's no reason that you can't continue your RSO therapy but you may want to lower your dose and work up to your normal dose as you acclimate to it. That's what I had to do and am still doing.

    Cannabis is great but it's not a cure all for a full life of living and sometimes medications are necessary. It can be a quagmire. In order to succeed you'll need to take it seriously and dedicate some time to finding out how to best adapt it to your specific situation. It will mean getting a bp monitor and checking yourself regularly and when you're using RSO.

    We can and will help you get through it but we can only tell you what has worked for us but you're the one who has to try it out for yourself. It's going to be frustrating but that happy medium is out there. I hope that you find some of the suggestions from everyone helpful. :)
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  20. Thank you so much! I did actually just get a BP monitor.. haven't used it yet. I will read through the booklet this weekend. I may just bring it by my dr office tomorrow when I am out running errands. Grateful to have found this community.
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