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another thread about the friendzone

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by nicolerrico, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. its actually not a bad place to be. some of you might have read other posts about this boy.. but ill give ya a quick summary, and ill tell you why today i love the friend zone.

    i have a boy whos one of my best friends, but hes also pretty much the guy of my dreams. he moved away last year, and we're still friends. ill admit, i think about him way too much.. hes perfect, i cant help it! a few months ago he called me to tell me that he was coming here to visit for spring break:) and he asked me if i could help him find a couple pounds of bud... and then that night we were texting and he said he was going to fuck me when he comes up.. we ended up both sendin each other pictures (!!!!!!)

    wellll this was the week!!! for two months ive been a nervous wreck, i was so sure it was going to happen.. but when i saw him i just knew i was getting my hopes up for nothing. im such good friends with this kid.. more than anything ive always been scared to do anything with him because what if we it made things weird so we couldnt be friends anymore... i want him so bad but noone can ever stay just friends after it.. and he lives so far away so it would have been weird as hell because what, were gonna do it and then hes gonna leave and then im gonna cry and then its gonna be weird as hell because who knows when were gonna see each other again.. so ive been freaking out!

    but we hung out every day he was here.. it was amazing just seeing him again. its been 9 months since the last time i saw him but hanging out with him was just like old times. i really love him. we went to the bar one night, and i was thinking, well its now or never. but im not makin the first move and neither is he. lol. after the bar we went back to my house, smoked a couple bowls, and called it a night, he went back to his moms to sleep.. and thats then i fucked upppp.. i wasnt acting drunk but i did have alot to drink that night.. if i was sober i wouldnt have texted him

    me-its never going to happen is it?
    i know its just going to fuck everything up but im probably never going to see you again and your like the guy of my dreams
    him- thats exactly it. your one of my best friends i dont want either one of us to get hurt.
    me- this just sucks i like you wayyy too much i think about you all the time. like no other guy can ever compare to you. your amazing corey i feel so pathetic
    him- i understand but i have to go back to missouri
    me- im so pathetic
    him- no your not
    me- i really love you :(
    him- i love you too. and i dont want anything messin that up

    we hung out the last night, and everything was fine. and then he left to go home, itll be probably 6 months till i see him again. and while im disappointed that i might never hook up with him im glad to be in the friend zone. because if i had sex with him i would be crying right now. and spend months worrying about what will happen next time i see him. but i dont have to. hes still my friend, nothing is going to change that.

    and now i know that he feels exactly the same as i do. we both want to do it but its not worth fucking up being friends. i love him too much. friend zone means hes still my best friend. im happy with that.
  2. I feel ya girl. I've recently been beginning to move on from this girl I KNEW was wrong for me. I somehow got so emotionally invested in her and all we did is talk. It takes time, go out and live your life. The more your mind is on other things the less time you have to think about him. And If it's meant to be then life will steer you in the right direction.
  3. Hopefully someday you two can make it work, he sounds like a good guy :D
  4. well he hasnt lived here since last summer.. so like im over it i miss him but i still have my own life..

    hes an amazing guy but hes stupid sometimes.. like why did he have to go say he was gonna fuck me and then not. get me all excited for nothing and its his fault i said what i said, i wouldnt have said that if he didnt say what he did.. i feel stupid but its his fault really..
  5. [quote name='"nicolerrico"']well he hasnt lived here since last summer.. so like im over it i miss him but i still have my own life..

    hes an amazing guy but hes stupid sometimes.. like why did he have to go say he was gonna fuck me and then not. get me all excited for nothing and its his fault i said what i said, i wouldnt have said that if he didnt say what he did.. i feel stupid but its his fault really..[/quote]

    Maybe he was just feeling your vibe and didn't go for it? You could've made the move aswell but not saying you should've.. Mixed feelings about situations sucks
  6. no he definitely knows i want him.. but its better that we didnt.

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