Another step away from freedom

Discussion in 'Politics' started by BongSquad, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. #2 Brenjin, Mar 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2012
    Damn by 2015 protesting at all will be illegal. All they need to do is just apply this rule to lower government officials and then to break up a protest a corporation can pay a government official to come to the protest site to break it up.

    Good ole facist opportunity there

    And then no one can be protested besides other civilians, but when was the last time you protested you neighbors?
  2. this is just for trespassing it doesnt at all say protesting is or will be illegal
  3. #4 Brenjin, Mar 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2012
    That's what they say its for but they can use it to get rid of protestors.

    What they do is redefine where people can be prosecuted for trespassing as including the vicinity of high profile government officials.

    So if the radius is large enough they could keep people from protesting the white house or pentagon or any government building
  4. always question rt
  5. man FUCK the government
  6. It's to keep protesters from protesting where it matters.
    so out front of the white house is gonna be a no no.
  7. I will be leaving the US the second things start to get out of hand. Many others like me will also. Instead of a nation where immigrants from all over the world want to go to for better opportunities, it will be the opposite. People will be leaving the US looking for more freedom and better opportunities abroad. It's sickening what statism has done to our formerly great nation.
  8. Inb4 Arnack comes in to defend the bill and the government.

  9. I always do and I read the bill myself (like we should) and it's another vaguely written law which is extremely dangerous to all of us. A law that is written vaguely is open to vague interpretation and this part right here

    "of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting"

    is something I have a serious problem with. I shouldn't have to spell this out for people but I will anyway because some people don't seem to get it.

    The First Amendment "prohibits the making of any law interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances."

    The way the bill is worded gives the government the right to declare any space or location an area too close and you are in violation of this law and you are being charged with a felony. Unjust or not you will either go to jail or spend an insane amount of time, energy, and money in fighting off these charges and by the time all is said and done you have been punished plenty for trying to question your government. This is enough for many to cause enough fear to avoid speaking up at all. It's clear these politicians are getting worried about the protests that could stir up as soon as the warm weather starts to creep in and are making sure all the ducks are in a row so they can deal with it.

    Things are already out of hand my friend, patriot act, NDAA, this, 20,000 drones over American skies by 2020, acta, and the list goes on and on. Already we are seeing record numbers of Americans leaving this country.

    [Here is a link to the bill for anyone else interested in reading it]
  10. They are taking away the bill of Rights one amendment at a time until everyone wakes up and realizes they dint have any more rights

  11. Oh I agree, but I mean when shit REALLY hits the fan. Once the Dollar crashes we will see either a "recurrence to fundamental principles" as Franklin put it, or we will see the rise of tyranny.

    Currently there aren't any hugely better options out there to chose from. It's not like any country is a model of limited government. If there was I'd already be there.

    So if it starts to get really bad and the tides seem to be turning towards totalitarianism I'm out of here. But I still have a little faith in the American spirit, however diminished it may be. It's my hope that in our time of despair the fire of liberty is rekindled in the hearts and minds of the people.
  12. Switzerland would probably be my first choice.
  13. It's high on my list. ^^^

    Was considering Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, and Switzerland. Not in any particular order. Still have lots of research to do though.
  14. I looked into it a little bit awhile back but not for long because all I did learn was it is extremely difficult to relocate entirely. To me the only smart thing we can do if a shit hits the fan scenario is in the future is to keep an eye on it and have some form of plan to not be living in any urban area. Not a place I want to be near if the gov runs out of money when over 60% of Americans receive some form of government assistance.
  15. Exactly. ^^

    Greece will happen here, except on a much bigger scale. It will get really ugly, really fast when we have our debt crisis. There will be no bailouts when that happens. Nothing will be able to stop it, and Romney/Obama will certainly respond with whatever option is the worst possible choice.
  16. Yea, I haven't done enough research to be sure either. Hopefully the shit hitting the fan can hold off until I graduate next May.

  17. Yeah it's much easier to emigrate with a degree. I'm guessing we have at least another year, but it's impossible to know. If I had to guess I'd say 1-5 years.
  18. Switzerland is the place to go folks. Once I finish up grad school, I'm out.
  19. australia is supposed to be good. but im also thinking of south american countries like peru. hong kong sounds terrible I think i remember them having mediaeval drug laws. probably have bullshit cops and riot squads too. but i have no idea really.

    switzerland is badass.

    ugh i wish there were more continents :(

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