i was in a bad car last Wednesday night it was around 1am i was driving down some backroad in my town and there was a semi coming towards me so i went to steer over but my front and back tire on the drivers side blew cause of a piece of metal and i slammed head first into the semi. my cars totaled and my seat belt tore and i went through the windshield and got really sliced up and a few broken bones. i was in a lot of pain afterwords when i got home and the vicodin the doctor gave me wasnt helping i smoked about a half gram or so of purple haze and soon after my pain was almost gone and i was relaxed better thats one of the reasons i believe it should be legalized around the globe
it was user error it got torn by about a half inch by my friends knife when he drove it was repaird half assed after with denim sown on and around it
Shows just how effective a safe medicine can be.Keep smoking and don't let anyone tell you cannabis can't relieve pain otherwise.
it should be legalized because it's just a plant. Where is the EPA when you need them?? They protest and tie themselves onto trees, but mum is the word when its about the cannabis tree, right??
Your doc gave you Vicodin for that? That shit couldn't kill a headache. Can't believe you didn't get oxy. Anyway, yeah, bud kills most pain for me too and it has that stress relief quality too that lets you know that everything is gonna be ok. Someday soon it'll happen. In some states you could get cannabis instead of opiates now, but not in all of them. Hopefully the 3 states voting legalization this november will pass it and the landslide will occur that brings acceptance about for the rest of the country, and then the world. I'm glad you're ok dude.