I found this dimmer on amazon. Thinking of using it control the speed of my PC fan in grow box. Obviously, it says bulb dimmer, but will it work for my PC fan? Electronics isn't really my criteria... www.amazon.co.uk/Haobase-DC12-24V-Adjustable-Brightness-Controller/dp/B01ETE1CL8/ref=pd_sim_328_37?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=Q8SF3BGXWQKQ08NSEVS5 [EDIT] Link isnt showing up in the preview, but it is taking up space. Let me know you you guys can see it or not, or if just me.
I do see it, however some people cannot see them sometimes, which is why you can't. I can't really answer your question tho, sorry.