Another Modern Warfare 2 Thread...

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by TheForsaken1, Nov 8, 2009.

  1. First of all id like to tell all the pirates that got MW2 already to go to hell lol. May you all burn, ok not really but im still pretty pissed and very jealous. Anyway back to my post. Im picking up my copy of Modern Warfare 2 monday at midnight. I am also taking a sickday on tuesday so i can play all day. My question is, Are any blades picking up their copy at the midnight release down to play that night. My GT is TheFors4ken1. So if your getting your copy and you wanna hook up and play send me a FR or a msg. Peace...
  2. Are you stupid? They didn't pirate it. I'm sure that they got the copy early.
    We have 3 same fucking threads. Creating a thread does not make you cool, go away troll.
  3. Wow really thats your response, thats pretty shitty. I just got done reading that SOME people were pirating this game. I am also aware that there are some people that got the game early. It was meant as a joke and you took it out of context. Why dont you take your shitty attitude somewhere else. Im glad you have thousands of posts but that does not give you a right to be an asshole but i guess you were born that way so people have to deal with it. Pat yourself on the back kid your #1.
  4. There is no such thing as pirating! How dare you say that.
  5. hahaha calm down WDB!!
  6. He's mocking us. That lil troll!

    Pirates, get him!
  7. [​IMG]

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