another mflb thred

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by slarzon, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. lol jk i just got mine about ten mins ago loaded it up twice but small like just a little and a am baked as fuck this thing is much better than the vaporgenie witch i own
  2. i know man i fuckin love it to. you can smoke it just about anywhere.
  3. Awesome! :) I have about a 30-40 days left until I can toke again and it'll be beautiful to be, for lack of a better term, shit faced off of one trench.

    On another note we need a damn sticky for MFLB, this forum gets a good 2-10 threads per day on the MFLB. :eek:

    Also, it isn't "smoking". The term you were looking for is "toking" or "vaping". ^_^
  4. thanks man, i dont know why i said smoke. i think i was just typeing to fast. lol
  5. I love mine.

    It's incredible. I got stupid high off of a half trench of some good last night. It was great.
  6. vaping s some mids that dont get me this high smoking them getting dank on mon cant wait i got it and my buddy was like let me see it i showed it to him and he was like holyshit its so damn small we go to my house vape 2 trenches he went to pick his buddy up and bring him home and when he got back to my place he was like i didnt think i was getting high off it but when i walked out your door it hit me like a brick now he wants one lol

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