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Another is this mold thread.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by L0kje, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. #1 L0kje, Aug 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2012
    Hey, I picked this up about a month ago from a dispensary and it's been sitting in a cupboard. Trying to smoke it I noticed it doesn't want to cherry very well and then noticed blackish coloring on parts of the bud. It seems dry enough and the stems give off a nice snap without turning to powder so I don't know.

    Not a great picture I know but my camera isn't amazing and I suck with it. Does this look like mold?

    EDIT: The strain is vortex
  2. I see no mold
  3. What part of the bud am I supposed to be looking at? The reason I'm asking is because I can't really find anything that looks like mold. There are a lot of trichomes and hairs (it's dank).

    I think you're good.
  4. youre fine man
  5. I guess it's easiest to see on the tip. I've had purp looking weed before but this has little bits that are even darker colored than that. I'm probably just being paranoid eh?
  6. Ohhh fuck op i see it.. Yea man, sorry to say it, but thats definitely mold... Dealt with my fair share of moldy weed

    Send it my way for closer examination.
  7. Smoke that shit, or send it to me and I'll examine it further..

    Seriously though. Smoke that shit.. Now or else..

    There is no mold on it. If there is it's so miniscule that it's just not even worth worrying about.
  8. Looks beuno to me
  9. Thanks guys, I'll go light a bowl of it :D
  10. Looks dank.

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