I took a health test today and it was on tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. One of the questions was this Which of the following is true about marijuana? A. (forgot what it was) B. (forgot) C. Driving while under the influence of marijuana is extremely dangerous D. Smoking marijuana can not kill you I thought about going up to my teacher and arguing the question but just picked option C and kind of chuckled to myself how much of a joke that is.
because it was an open book test so i looked up the answer just to make sure and i need to get a good test score... for once
I would but this other kid in my class is always arguing with him about drugs and he's a douche bag he just denies everything. He claims that in 7th grade he promised himself he would never inhale anything into his lungs and apparently passed up joints multiple times... Yeah right you piece of shit lying right to the entire class.
Actually driving high isn't that dangerous. It was proven that its more dangerous to drive in the rain than it is to drive high. I think driving high only decreases your ability around 2%. This was a study of someone who actually smoked and was tested both high and sober. I saw some TV documentary about it.
This is what i would have done if it wasn't bubble in: E) Marijuana is a racist term and should be called cannabis, and if i have to answer one more stupid question on bud, i'm going to step out and smoke a fatty.
Ya they used "marihuana" when they first began prohibiting it in 1913 to make it seem more "latin" and gain more support. Cali was first to officially prohibit the plant btw, ironic huh?
Huh. My health book has a picture with that caption (driving is extremely dangerous), and it's a POV of driving a car at night, at "ludicris speed" apparently. All the lights and shit are blurred out from the center. I saw that and just laughed. But my health teacher is cool. He apparently tried a lot of drugs in HS and stuff, had a kid when he was 18...so he isn't preachy at all. What pisses me off about the health text books is they just totally skip over sex, and safe sex. Like what the fuck. How can you have a health txtbook that doesn't cover safe sex? It's all conservative and shit, saying "abstinence until marrage". Bullshit.
That's sick, my bio teacher was like that back in High School. Total 60's hippy, smoked in his car during breaks, played guitar in a folding chair he brought to class, and listened to jefferson airplane everyday. But about the sex ed, blame the goddamn rightist Christians in this country.
Interesting. I only know one friend that has crashed and was high when it happened. I used to believe that too but I don't really feel safe with her driving high anymore. Oh and the accident was her fault btw. :/ oh and I would have picked D lol.
The right answer was definitely 'D'. You picked the wrong answer, so there goes your test score. Maybe A was 'Marijuana is good' and B was 'A,B,C, and D' Royksopp- Yep. It's the driver though and not the weed. I'm sure when the girl isn't high that she's a danger on the road also. It's usually speeding and other things that are more of the problem. People just can't drive and are wreckless. I know someone who flipped his car with a full car of my friends, luckily they didn't die. But the same kid who flipped the car was doing 140 at the time and has numerous arrests for DUI, speeding, and other charges. So he was drunk at the time but also smoking and going 140, it was the irresponsible and wrecklessness of the driver that was so bad. Marijuana doesn't make you dumb, but dumb people smoke. That one person has crashed a zillion times but I've smoked and drove with zillions of people and never, ever was there problems.