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Another drug test post... I'm sorry

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by borrowedtunes, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Hi all, first off, apologies, I did a search and couldn't really find a good thread for my situation. I have been clean for over 3 months and passed a drug test several weeks ago just fine. Last night, I had two small bong hits and this morning woke up to find out that I have an opportunity for a much better job than the one I took the first drug test for. I pretty much have the job except for... I have to pass a ua. So... I will have at least 17 days before the test and maybe 21 or 22.

    I am a female, 25, 5'6 and 162 pounds. I am fairly active and walk a lot throughout the day. The next three days I am moving and will be working hard, sweating a lot, all that fun stuff. Do you think those two hits will be gone soon? Or should I look into some Quick Fix?

    I have home strips I am going to use to monitor it, but just looking for some other peoples' personal experiences.

    Any help is appreciated, thanks!
  2. I think you'll be fine

    That small amount shouldn't come up on a test. Just drink water and don't smoke until after it and you should be fine
  3. You'll be fine.
  4. Ok, thank you! I feel like I will be too, but I can be a worry wart and I am kicking myself for smoking last night. I knew it was possible to get this job, but didn't think I would get it. Guess I was wrong!

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