Another conspiracy theory...Dating back to Alexander the Great

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Mortikai, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. #1 Mortikai, Oct 3, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2008
    So sitting in class here my mind running in its own way cuz I FEEL LIKE SHIT.

    Anyway, so it's said that Alexander the Great, towards the beginning of his Great Conquest he conquers that Capital of Amman (Early reaches of Ancient Persia) and is supposedly spoken to in a temple of their God. He is told that it is his fate the unite mankind under one emporer. In times as old as these, I believe there were more generally spiritually enlightened beings. Materiality and government propaganda had yet to take from people their natural enhanced abilities as humans. (General spiritual enlightenment and the following abilities with the realization that through "God" all things are possible.)

    Maybe Alexander was open to communication from God's or at least when he entered said temple he had he ability to open himself up to the "Collective/Cosmic Conscience." It was in this spiritually enlightened state that he did in fact hear the hum of the cosmic conscience telling him to unite mankind as one people. No geo-political seperations, just a mass of Mankind, all loyal to eachother as one human should be to another.

    Aristotle, his tutor, was one of the socially elite, and possibly so enlightened himself. I believe he thought this enlightenment should be help specifically by the socially elite, those worthy so to speak. So after the Macedonians removed themselves from Alexander's army leaving him with foreign troops, he was forced to take a break from his campaign to rebuild his army in Babylon.

    Theorist speculate that (for here it was that Alexander died, though no one has facts on why) he was poisoned, possibly be even his tutor Aristotle because he didn't like the what Alexander was turning into.

    Court politics? Or maybe...just maybe... the beginning of a corruption now over 2000 years in the making?

    Speculations? :wave:

    I forgot to mention that because of his experience at the Amman temple I believe he was told to unite mankind in the effort to spread and enhance the spiritual enlightenment he received within the temple, but because the social and currently spiritual elite believed it was not for the common purpose to be enlightened, they had his murdered before he could accomplish his "God-given" goal.
  2. It wasn't that Alexander was communicating with the gods, it was that he felt he was a god himself(or at least that is a common theory).
  3. Evolution is a common theory as well. It's been straight PROVEN.
  4. #4 pavlakos, Oct 4, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2008
    As a Macedonian/Hellene I feel the need to clear a few things up:

    The temple of Ammon was in Siwa, a desert oasis west of Egypt. Alexander went to the temple in 332 bc, after the Egyptians were liberated from the Persians, and after Alexandria was built (You may be confusing it with the Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai, India, or Amman the capitol of Jordan. If not my apologies, but your mental timeline needs a tune up). Also he never conquered Siwa or the temple of Amman, he went there with his closest friends, left his army in Egypt and was supposedly embraced by the priests of the temple. I cant imagine him going for spiritual guidance after massacreing the town and expecting a genuine response.

    Aristotle Im sure was quite an enlightened individual, I dont know if Alexander was as "enlightened"/in tune with cosmic forces as Aristotle, but its highly unlikely as its very hard to be enlightened with a big ego.

    PS: He didnt believe he was God, he proclaimed himself the son of Zeus/god after his experience at the temple of Ammon, the Egyptian equivelant of Zeus.

    EDIT: even unenlightened people can recieve signs from the gods.

    PSS: he went to the temple for a sign to move east and continue to conquer the Persians.
  5. Thanks Pavlakos, I think i was confusing it with the capital of Jordan. i tried doing some quick research before I posted this but couldn't find anything and figured my fellow intelligent blades would clear somethings up.

    And I didn't so much mean that he spoke with the Gods as I meant while in the temple he was open to the Cosmic Conscience (The idea that we are all connected at a conscious level) and in doing so saw that it was his destiny to move across the world and unite people to keep as much peace as possible and further enlightenment.

    But I was just speculating =)
  6. Did he believe that a house divided cannot stand? And did he realize that before he fell?
  7. im pretty sure he just wanted power....
  8. i'm not claiming to be a historian or anything, like I said it's all just speculation on my part. Of course he wanted power, he wanted to unite the world under his rule. I was just thinking that maybe, just maybe he actually got in tune with the cosmic consciousness and was shown a way to unite mankind and spread spiritual advancement.

    He did die quite early, some historians speculate it could have been a poisoning. Idk, I was just trying to rouse some conversation, I don't honestly believe that there was some ancient illuminati in Greece trying to keep the society they way it was.

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