Another 1st Post, and Another From Texas

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by EVOLVIST, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. Hello. Or, should I say Hi(gh)?

    My name is Nick and I am an author, an audiophile, and a person who would like to see weed legalized in all states. I am a big proponent of marijuana education, yet I have a long way to go before I am educated myself. Let's not allow the fun to end.

    The deal is, I'm not that old, but I quite smoking grass in 1992. I had this severe bout of anxiety after smoking some weed, and I became afraid of it (of course I had done a lot of coke that night, as well, and eventually learned that it was probably not the weed; instead, I was developing an anxiety disorder, independent of any drugs I might [or might not] have been doing).

    Fast-forward to today, and I've recently allowed myself to toke on the weekends. Yeah, a little anxiety, but nothing to write home about. For the most part it's been a rather pleasant journey. Now I am very much interested in legalization (I always was, really), but after doing a lot of reading, and internalizing my priorities, I think back to the '90s and how much I didn't know about pot, mostly due to a lot of information not being out there. Thankfully, the internet changed all of that.

    So, I'm here to learn, converse, and not break the law as much as possible. I wouldn't say I'm a model citizen, though I realize the stupidity (for lack of a better word) of smoke being illegal.

    Right. I made this long enough. So, yeah, see you around.
  2. Greetings Nick. Welcome to GC.

    We are making fine progress on the legalization front.
    I'm in a med/rec state. I am pleased many states are recognizing people's views on cannabis, and that folks are voting it into law. Now the Feds need to get onboard.

    About your anxiety - have you tried micro-dosing? Just a hit or two at a time, then see where you are.
    Some people partake too much at a time and end up waaay too stoned, many times with negative results.
    Think about it.
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  3. Yeah, I can take about three hits, though usually around 1 or 2 and I'm sufficiently stoned. Over the years I've learned various techniques to squash uncontrollable anxiety, so I'm kosher with the amount I smoke these days.

    However, I've very interested in some of these 11% THC, 9% CBD strains, or whatever percentage they are, knowing that much of what we have today has been bred that way. Of course I want the THC. I just wander if folks have amped the THC a bit much in most cases (which is perfectly cool), thus negating what might be a more of "natural" high.

    But, like I said, I'm still learning, so I might not have a clue what I'm talking about. :)
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  4. Various strains will effect a person differently.
    Some varieties have insane THC levels, and can easily kick your ass.
    Others in the more moderate range may be enough for some.
    Then there's the sativa / indica ratio to factor in.
    So much to learn. Most by trial and error..
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