Anonymous strikes again

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Arteezy, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. They are the unknown Justice League of the internet. They have a mission, rather a call of duty. Fuck with those who fuck with the little man, or who call them out. They are at the forefront of media fire in an agenda to censor the internet.
  2. The thing I don't like about Anonymous is that they really could be a powerful force if they pulled their resources. It seems like everything I hear about them is a petty, vengeful attack that really accomplishes nothing. I was pretty impressed on the attacks on PayPal and the like for their attitudes about wikileaks, regardless of how I may personally feel about wikileaks.

    Idk though, maybe they are doing more meaningful stuff and I just don't hear about it. I'm not on 4chan or anything like that.
  3. Well, I think they pointed out some flaws in that specific "security" company. Yes, I think they could've been a little more professional about it, but... Barr really shouldn't have been talking shit. He's going to have a tough time getting a job after this.

  4. Oh, don't get me wrong, this particular incident is particularly LOL worthy. Those guys scare the shit out of me, part of the reason I won't even step foot on 4chan. Dude is definitely a moron of the Nth degree for thinking he could out smart them.
  5. Well, it's not like Anonymous is going to physically harm you. Hey, if hackers ever do go after you, just unplug your ethernet cord like Barr. :p

  6. Barr's ego must have dropped 1000 points after finding out his words caught up to bite him in the ass.

  7. ARE anonymous.
  8. I'm scurred...
  9. Haha, if they want me to go to a rally or something, I might be down. I'll leave the computer stuff to the pros.
  10. definitely made my day
  11. Btw, anybody have a copy of the rules of the internet they could send me? I only know rules #1 and #3.
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  12. /b/ is largely composed of fat 12 year old losers with no friends, I really wouldn't worry about going on there.
  13. Fat 12 year old losers who can make my life a serious pain in the ass if they want to. I'd rather not take the chance, lol.
  14. For some reason Anonymous reminds me of a cyber version of Project Mayhem from Fight Club. It would be foolish to fuck with them in any capacity, and a lot of people are sitting up and taking notice as time goes on.

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