Anonymous is everywhere. Expect us.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Grizmoblust, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. This is true.
  2. I instantly lose all respect for anyone who wears the mask of a man who wanted to blow shit up to instil a theocracy.
  3. [ame][/ame]
  4. ^ thats a cool fuckin cop in that vid lol
  5. Yeah the cops here are not so bad. They're not my enemy, even though he was a bit pushy in the video. My enemy is politicians who are not in favor of transparency in the government, including the current prime minister.
  6. #67 christymich, Aug 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2011
    1. Anon is a community of fellows with too much time on their hands. spending all day on comp, photoshopping, making up stories of themselves, whoring their name, when they actually have no valid media representation whatsoever. ( google anon= "a group striving for civil liberties, plotting attacks on goverments.. but remain hidden ) heres my psych101 take on their little slice;

    ]hiding, right? dont you want to find them? theres no site farther than the google can see. they use the word "hidden" because it makes them seem exclusive. nothing is hidden on the internet. psh.
    2"we" vs "them" mentality, don't you want to join? dont you feel the same? arent you mad at your gov, wanna join the cause? think again. they're all on the same side.

    They play on peoples desire to believe in something like a new cause, or reform, or a faith. that desire for a cult-like following that lies in all of us.(see:religion) DO NOT FALL FOR IT, its all psychology. all these stories they make on their video editing software, are MEANT to excite you "hopeless teenagers"(see demotiv poster, do you see yourself in it? of course you do. the ad appeals to you and thats where your baited)and get you enthusiastic about who they are and what they're doing. they lure you subtly into their forums, and thats where the CP comes in, and a bunch of darker, darker shit you dont even want to know about.
    who are these bastards? they're cops. the cyber kind. "Anonymous is everywhere. expect us."(even right now, in this thread) thats the fbi trolling and infiltrating your comp lol. "ANON" mostly habitate in 4chan cause that's where they lure your pedo-next-door, and everday people, including hosting webcam chats to get the 17 year old girl to pull up her shirt a little only to then bust HER ass for child pornography, then get the guy watching on the other line, for CP as well.. oh, and they also lurk GC, grizmobust?:wave:

    (but why, you ask, would cops LOOK HERE??!?) Idk Grasscity.

    anyway back to their game, and site stats, hits. hey control the options, the scene, the links, everything on their host sites.4chan/b/etcs/. everything you browse, the options between the forums and discussions and picture threads, are being played by their hand. they seem to give you a choice, making you feel like youre in control of what you're browsing/orlooking at, but in actuality you are their puppets. they leech to your comp after you post in a certain interest thread, and depending on your cookies they suggestively ad illegal sick shit to see if your curiosity would get the most of you. naturally youll go for lesser of the two evils, (how about, furries, grizmo bust?, or maybe cp than beastiality), they pull you into a dilemma where you are gored wherever you go on that site.

    so yes, they're agents, not the studly guys in the tuxedos you see on TV. but more of the mere scumbags trolls you see in the streets now, actually you dont see them. why? because they have NO FACE.(see: anon ad) thats because they hide behind the computer screen, are anon, and don't reveal their real names, or faces. dont you get it?
    they are just like you, too much to do on their hands just surfin the web, only they have an intelligence community and a trollbadge to back them up.


  7. ok so suicide bomb wasn't the best selection of mass violence, replace it with any other weapon you feel might suit the situation better, the point still stands.
  8. Oh quit, you already got humiliated in your own thread
  9. #70 Grizmoblust, Aug 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2011
    Anon will bound to attack Facebook on the date of Nov 5th. In addition, anonymous has created their own social network called anon plus.

    make sure you click the link of Anonplus. Fucking awesome!

    Here's more news, Anon news was banned from google plus. That ticked the anon off so they created their own network.

  10. Syria sympathizers hacked anon+
  11. Hmmm, this looks pretty cool.
    Lets hope they organize mass protests around the world.
  12. yeah I have not a clue in the world what Im talking about

    i know you cant give it up, but in your heart you know its true.
    your entire anon movement is utter bs you make up allday long.

  13. moar trolling.
  14. She admits it

  15. #76 AlienBlood, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2011
    The CIA, DIA FBI, etc. (i.e. US gov) is also everywhere and I also expect them to be everywhere (because I live in reality). If Anonymous is trying to start some war with the CIA I am willing to bet on the winner. In this case I will sell all of my belongings for this bet. Whenever Anonymous claims to be "everywhere" and to "expect them" know it's a highly paid US official disguised as anonymous. We are expected at the voting booth, civil disobedience, protesting, speaking truth, etc..not anarchy civil disobedience doesn't equal chaos. We went through this shit already and our government had no qualms about killing millions of people over this same shit. Civil war was never about slavery, but maintaining the Union. We've been divided since the union has been created. Crazy stupid people are going to faciliate the loss of our freedoms even quicker by proving we can't be civil. The government WANTS us to riot. They WANT us to cause chaos and anarchy (IRL or on the web) so the final solution can be introduced. Don't give into the trick. Don't eat the bait, there's poison inside! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
  16. For those saying Anonymous can't do anything in the name of justice.... Just thought I'd leave this here.

    Hacker group posts explicit photo it says is of BART spokesman - San Jose Mercury News

    I've been on WITP involved in Onslaught, as well as preparing for Op: The Stand. I advise you all look into Occupying Wall Street.

    [ame=]Anonymous to occupy Wall Street - why not #surroundthefed? - YouTube[/ame]

    Expect Us
  17. #78 NFloyd2357, Oct 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2011
    There is no "they," in anonymous. No individual can have claim under the name. however, anyone can do anything under the name, so long as it pertains to the furthering of the anon message and vision. anybody can perform any act under this name, just as officials hide blindly behind the name of the government to do whatever they want, or others behind the name of a corporation to do whatever they want. anyone is Anon. you can not find someone who isn't part of a group that has no known members. you can also expect 20,000 people to flood into NYC tomorrow, these people may be anonymous. anonymous isn't just a group of online hackers. some people may perform such deeds under the name, but they aren't anonymous, and anonymous isn't them. anonymous is any who wants, and any who wants to belong to the movement. its time to wake up. be aware. do something. October 15, 2011, the world changes

    also, i like how everyone says anon can't do anything. the last comment is from august, talking about occupy wallstreet... that never happened, did it? well, the media says it didn't, anyways
  18. Also the masks are silly
  19. #80 narcissistic, Oct 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2011
    Okay then..............."We're expecting ya!"
    [ame=]The Love Boat - YouTube[/ame]

    "But you're my only hope"
    [ame=]Help me Obi Wan Kanobi your my only hope - YouTube[/ame]

    Note:BTW..... Lauren Tewes be holding the yeyo big time!:eek:

    gonna go out & spread a lil Irie myself;):smoke:

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