Annoying things while high.

Discussion in 'General' started by Ambiences, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. What bothers or is annoying to you while under the influence and above the ignorance?
    For me, it's taking showers in Clear Eyes and missing my eye completely.
    How about you?
  2. realizing that you're coming down from your high
  3. when people constantly bitch about wanting to go do something. Or to change the channel on tv when its some good tv show and its obvious that everyone else wants to keep watching it.
  4. LOL yea, being too retarded to get eyedrops in my eyes.
  5. Eyedrops are for the weak.

    People who talk a lot but have nothing interesting to say.
  6. that bitch at walmart who takes 20 mins to pay for her shit

    fuck her

  7. that's probably cashiers fault
  8. that one friend who keeps asking if they look high, if his eyes look red, or if hes walking funny.
  9. I hate having to act sober when I'm high, like if I get a phone call or something and have to keep it together. Not that it's difficult or anything, but it's a pain in the ass.
  10. No way, I'm a walmart cashier and the cashiers usually know what they're doing, it's typically the customers being dumbasses. I mean think about it, who's gonna know what to do, the person who does it all day at least a few days a week, or the person who goes shopping once a week? Come oooon, don't give us cashiers a bad rep...
  11. Oh but what annoys me when I'm high is people.. I hate people when I'm high, I'm such a solo stoner. Except when I'm on here :)
  12. "You owe me from that last time I smoked you up, remember bro?"
  13. my nose gets really dry like it has cotton mouth lol its so annoying
  14. this!
  15. My 6 y/o half sister who runs around the house making squeeky noises all damn day or barks like a dog.
  16. People who change the song every 10 seconds.
  17. Driving people everywhere

    Being out of weed, so you can't get higher


    Burntness from MIds.

    Other than that, I love being high
  18. I know a guy that works at a gas station. Once I went up there to buy gas. i walk in, he see's me but decides to go take a shit first. needless to say i left without paying. :smoke:
  19. that one friend in the group who just acts like a jackass when their high. As if they were drunk off their ass or something. almost ruins my high every time...

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