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Annoying Dealer

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DopeSmoka, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. One of my buddies started dealing a while back. Sometimes he'll try to get me to buy his stuff, which isn't always the best at times. Just now, he practically begged me to buy 5 grams of hash and a quarter ounce of weed off him. I was unsure at first cause I was planning on buying an ounce, but the hash sounded like a good deal at $20 a gram and $60 for the quarter ounce. It's a good deal and all, but what am I supposed to say when he keeps on asking me to buy his hash? It's kinda annoying ha.
  2. if he's your good friend you should straight up ask him what quality the bud/hash are. Its not like he's going to lie to you :smoking:
  3. tell him you have no money. problem solved, once you say that he wont call you anymore.
  4. I don't know if he would lie about the quality or not, I wouldn't put it past him though.

    Yeah, when dealers text me or anything to let me know they're good to go, if I don't want to deal with them then I tell them I got no cash. In this case, he knew I got paid today, and basically keeps track and knows when I get paid (every second Thursday).
  5. If you can't be honest, then what kind of friendship do you really have?

    Just tell him no thanks, and state your reason why. Tell him, maybe another time?

    But if you do buy it this time, he'll keep coming back to you asking you if you want more, and it will get progressively harder to turn him down. Put your foot down now, and maybe buy a little off him another time, when he has good shit.

    Or if you want to help him out, then just buy a small amount of hash only (or vice versa).
  6. Man i had a friend like this he started selling 1/4 lbs at a time but he was workin for some shady people. He would always call me up asking me to find someone to buy because he smoked too much and was short on the money to re-up finally he was 120 short and they made him stop selling for em. It was shitty weed anyway

    Just tell him you already bought or you don't want it.
  7. Tell him when you want bud you'll call him. Walmart doesnt call me every other day and say hey, I got TV's for sale.

    I'm so tired of dealing with dealers. I feel a little differently when it comes to dealing with dealers. Their drug dealers. Bottom line, I understand they have a life too, but what is it? Driving around getting high? Going to buy more bud? Playing video games? I work 55hrs a week and if I call you and you dont answer at 3:15pm because your napping of course I'm gunna be pissed. Dont want people calling you all the time? Dont deal drugs.

    War growing my own plants.
  8. Just make sure you check out the bud first and with the hash buy a small amount like $10 and see if that shits good or not.
  9. Quarters usually go for around $60 around here too, so unless you know the bud is going to be shitty, I would go for it.

    If he's your friend I don't see why he won't let you check out the herb before you buy it.
  10. I have 2 different dealers for my weed, both of which work roughly 30+ hours a week, have GF's, and actually do stuff. If you think ALL drug dealers only deal drugs and sit around waiting for their next sale, then you are sorely mistaken.
  11. I think he was referring to people who make their living by selling.

    But I could be wrong.
  12. lol the 1st life sounds better then yours
  13. Tell him you dont want his hash. Just be straight up and say what you need.
  14. I had a situation like this... a kid from my school who I had always known throughout middleschool and onward started dealing a little back. He's a nice guy.. I'm not really his friend, but he likes me a lot. So when I heard he was dealing I figured "hell I bet he'll hook it up for me!"

    Well i only purchased from him once. I got a gram. It was just... eh bud. Then after that one time we hung out and I bought a g off him every day he'd text me asking to chill or asking if I needed bud. I just said no each time, but I had reasons/was nice about it.

    I'd say in your case, if this "buddy" is an actual and legitimate friend... then do him a favor and tell him to get danker stuff. Then you'll benefit ;)
  15. don't be an asshole man. He never said to call when he was sleeping, did he? Be patient for bud. He has a lot riskier job than you do
  16. So tell him you JUST picked up elsewhere. Problem solved. Or just flat out say you don't need anything at the moment?
  17. say "i dont smoke weed i smoke fools like you on the basketball court"

    he'll never bother you again
  18. Haha I think people over-think these threads. Just say you got some already.
  19. What in my post would give you the impression that I think every drug dealer is sitting around waiting for the next sale?

    You are correct sir.

    Yeah working for a paycheck and being able to buy the things you want and not being a bum is a shitty way of life.:rolleyes: Wheres your pride bro?

    Not trying to be an asshole on this but cmon. If selling dope is your number 1 source of income you have to make yourself available, and if you don't, your a shitty salesman.
  20. Don't picc up your phone and if he ask you why be like i was stoned as fucc off some fiiirrreee i got the other day... then his gonna ask why you didnt buy from him and be like you ask me everyday to buy from you and its gets annoying.


    Just be straight up with him and tell him to shut the fucc up.

    Problem Solved either way. :smoking:

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