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Anixety or GERD??

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by wowjustdoit, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 wowjustdoit, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    I've been fighting a problem from the day I first puffed on weed..The second time i smoked (first i got high) i experienced a tightness in my throat. I thought it was because i was eating crackers and cookies without enough saliva so i scratched the lining of my throat causing it to swell. So next few times i smoked i didn't eat and had great highs. Then about 2 months later, once i started smoking regularly it came back, when i ate and when i didn't. It normally gets worse the more i smoke and i get very paranoid about it, it just ruins my highs. Is this anxiety or acid reflux? I suffer from reflux and get scoped ever year for it, but i've never had it to the point that i cant breath easily. It also gets worse at night and sticks around when im sober sometimes...I can't think of anything thats bothering me, besides my throat... What is it? help please!!!
  2. I get the same thing, like sometimes it feels like something is stuck in my throat, and it gets worse usually when i toke. it also gets way worse when i think about it a lot. but anyways, the next time i went to the doctor he noticed i had acid reflux, so thats probably it!
  3. yeahh?? Ive been taking my pills though and it still gets bad, my friends throat closed on him and hes done, he was such a chill guy to. Do you have it under control yet
  4. Oscar sorry for the tough read, i didn't read over it. It should be a little more clear now
  5. Ah, now I see. Maybe weed just isn't for you, it happens.

    I would just keep smoking at a minimal if at all, I mean since you're not really enjoying it anyway what's the point? Right?
  6. #7 fracturtle, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    its probably a combination of both. i have mild acid reflux and when i smoke and eat certain foods it gets a bit worse but if i eat certain things and don't smoke a lot i can keep it under control. if i get really high i tend to focus on it along with my heart rate and freak myself out like i'm having a heart attack or something when in reality it's just being high and ultra aware of my body processes.

    i think it's mostly a mental thing because otherwise it doesn't really bother me. i'm learning to get over it. smoking doesn't seem to help GERD though. i've read eating a pickle helps lol.

    also, avoid alcohol. i used to drink a lot and not eat and i think that's what landed me with acid reflux.
  7. well i love getting blazed when i dont freak out haha only paranoia i have is about my throat so idk, maybe just give it up for a week/month or so and start light and see how things play

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