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Animal bongs

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by herz, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. #1 herz, Jun 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2009
    Does anyone know a good site for animal bongs?
    Me and my friend have an elephant that we named Ganesh.
    We were looking for like a rhino or a fish or hippo. Just any awesome animal.
    Anyone know a good site?
  2. I was just wondering if anyone knew a good place to buy animal bongs. The elephant we have is detailed and ceramic, its awesome i was hoping for more like it.

    I didnt realize i never said i was looking for bongs not real animals, my bad.
  3. If anyone can find a whale bong. That would be pretty cool.
  4. ohhh not real rhinos?

    Shit, I can't help you.
  5. [​IMG]

    thats the closest thing i could find
  6. I saw a really cool T-Rex bong one time, but it was made by a local dude. If I were you, I'd head on over to your local headshops and see what they've got for sale.
  7. You're gonna either need a sweet local headshop(such as homegrown glass in minnesota that sells MANY animal pipes) or else get a glassblower to custom make it for you, i dont remember the girls name around here who does a bunch of em but its usually a girl thing to blow animal pipes haha
  8. illadelph makes a sick ass chicken bong
  9. thats a colonel sanders design not illadelph, and that was one of a kind
  10. Haha i was hoping for a site. Thanks though.
  11. its against the rules to post sites that compete with GC :bongin:
  12. I'm pretty sure that's a custom piece (1 of 1) and it would cost at least grand or more.

  13. I love that chicken illadelph. I don't think it's one of a kind though to be honest.
  14. Really? Sweet, i hope i'm wrong cause i'd sure as hell like one.

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