angry leafs and a idiot

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by freshoftheboat, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. The problem:
    i think i over watered, so i decided to move to my bigger pots and put some perlite with my soil.

    the second problem.. i forgot to water the the fresh soil!!!!

    either way, now everything is going a bit strange... any ideas?

    (i would love to say this is my first grow.. but ive just been a pleb!)

    Attached Files:

  2. if better pics are needed... i have them in a higher res

  3. I don't understand whats the problem... It's common for plants seedling leafs to be deformed, overall they look quite good.
  4. ive never noticed this before in previous grows, im going to water them again tomorrow and see how things go.. i still cant belive i didnt water the new soil before

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