Angel numbers?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by markodope, Feb 7, 2024.

  1. I don't normally pay attention to things like numerology or astrology, and I'm not religious, either. But lately, I've been seeing certain number patterns so often that it's really got me thinking. Basically, last summer, ironically, right when I joined this forum, I went through a really hard breakup with my girlfriend. Her family was super religious, and they couldn't stand me or how I lived my life. She let them influence her a lot. Ever since we broke up, I keep noticing numbers like 1111, 1212, 717, and even 666 all the time. It's not like I'm looking for them or anything, they just keep popping up everywhere I look.

    I told my friends about it but they think I'm just imagining things or losing it. Anyway, before I decide it's all in my head, I thought I'd run it by you and get your two cents on what it could mean if anything!
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  2. 222
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  3. #3 ezekielalien, Feb 7, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2024
    If you're not religious, why do you call them "angel" numbers? Just asking!
  4. I see numbers everywhere I look, too.........

    I looks like the number 1
    see has two e's
    numbers is numbers
    everywhere has 4 e's
    I looks like the number 1
    look has 2 o's
    too also has 2 o's
  5. I've been seeing 222 a lot too. I'll check the time and it's 222..
  6. Good to know I am not alone in this..hmm, I had never considered seeing numbers when reading text and counting the number of letters before..
  7. Well, that's what I found online. But does it really matter? I don't think the word "angel" makes me religious...
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  8. yeah, me neither. I made the effort just for your thread. I've always considered 10:01 to be a special time since it's the same forward and backward.
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  9. This number keeps popping up for me
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  10. I see the number 444 a lot and looked into it and said angles watching over you amen.
  11. You might be going insane :eek:

    j/k. Just reminded me of this movie.

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