Anemia/Iron Deficiency

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Vegi, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. Hey guys,
    Just wondered if there's any anemics amongst us?
    My mum and sisters are and I've shown the symptoms my whole life, but being a guy and not really ever having blood tests meant I wasn't diagnosed until recently.
    The immediate reaction was to be prescribed Iron tablets, but I just don't like tablets.
    Even when I have like a headache or flu I just don't take anything.
    Being a vegetarian also doesn't help, but when I did try some of the pills, I felt, well, alive.
    Like not tired, my mind was running at like 100mph and I had energy I never knew I had. I didn't realise Iron has that much effect on you!
    Just wondered if people here who might be anemic take pills or look at natural alternatives?
    Any advice, tips or recommendations would be highly appreciated!

  2. #2 Jimmy Carter, Dec 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2014
    Man I've really been under the assumption I'm at least borderline anemic, I'll be seeing my doctor next year so we'll see lol
    What makes you think this buddy? What symptoms?
  4. I've been feeling oddly fatigued often, I wake up with shortness of breathe/chest pain quite often, I get cold very easily.. I've been told those can be signs of anemia or iron deficiency, a good friend of mine is iron deficient. I have a feeling its probably my diet but who knows
  5. hey dude!
    not anemic personaly! did have a mrs who was vegi then vergan. she was anemic.
    also have an aunt and uncle who are vegis (propper hippies)

    you should be able to get a natural source pills! multi vits + iron that are derived from plants etc.

    and... ready made protien shakes and meal shakes! check there vegi friendly obvs! they also have high iron!

    veg thats good, brussel sprouts, winter cabbage, spinich! (asparagus?)

    a good spinish cannolli once a week! if you eat cheese!

    do you eat seafood? 3oz of any of these is your daily quota of iron!
    molusks, oysters, mussels!
    halibut, haddock, perch, salmon, or tuna

    sorry for the long reply but this reLy caught me and i know your plight!


    Sent from my GT-S5830i using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. Cheers Kent!
    Not at all, any help is much appreciated!
    No seafood I'm afraid, but gonna look into high iron veg.
  7. if you find vegi friendly ales and bitters (and like drinking them!)
    they are high in iron!
    guieness is basicly a bar of iron! but its not vegi friendly!

    Sent from my GT-S5830i using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. know anything about sour beer? I dont really drink beer that isnt somewhat sour. I cant stand bitters/IPAs..
  9. Get you some beans! Especially white and kidney beans.
    And spinach, kale, peas, chickpeas, and rice are decent sources as well. And of course, like Kent said, Guinness actually has quite a bit of iron :D
    Have been anemic, but due to autoimmune issues, not iron deficiency. Many people on vegetarian or vegan diets are anemic, since nonheme iron isn't absorbed as easily as heme iron (meat). Have to be careful to get enough from other sources! Make sure you're getting enough vitamin C as well, because you need it to absorb iron. Most people don't have too much of an issue with that though, and since you're a vegetarian I'll assume you don't :p GI issues can also make people more prone to iron deficiency.
    Hope either diet changes or supplements get your hemoglobin level up soon! I know it can drag you down. Good luck to you, brother! :smoke:
  10. Awesome post Cereal.
    Thank you kind sir

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