And you may ask yourself, "How did i get here?"

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by laxfeva22, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. Whats up city? Back from a few days job searching with the girlfriend. Gonna be movin down there as soon as I land one or sell the car. :eek:

    I feel like we've been together for not all that long, then look at the calendar and realize its twice as long as I would have guessed. Whats that saying about time flying? I think someone has finally tamed my ass...and dont really have a problem admitting that.-What? What's going on here? Lol, just spent 5 days with her, and now all I can think about is the next time I will get to see that little minx. Safe to say i've never been this into a girl, how did I get here again?

    Lol, I'm a mess, but in a good way for a change, not really sure what I've said here but fealt the need to share it lol.
  2. Sounds like things are good, props to you.
  3. Good luck bro!:smoking:
  4. might just be the one? hope all goes well.
  5. And the days go by, let the water hold me down
  6. Hahahaha....funny story

    so tuesday we decide to chill in the park after she runs me to drop some apps off. we're jus layin next to each other n chattin n what not when I hear this guy start boomin "Love birds, loooove birds." I'm thinkin wtf really? I turn around and this toothless sob and what im assumin is his drinkin/druggin buddy walk over as he starts chattin. shortly thereafter he asks us when the wedding is, among other things. We all seemed to get some good laughs out of it. I think she was a bit horrified by the encounter, I guess you could say I'm more suited to dealin with those types.
  7. Must be the one... Good luck man!
  8. lol, we'll see about that. I try not to put myself out there too far given my tendancy to fuck things up. she's the same way for other reasons. Who knows man, tis a strange world out there.
  9. Be careful and enjoy every moment you have now because one day you might not be so happy together.

    Not to be a debby downer, but i felt that way too. Twice.
  10. Yup. Strange world.

    Still, it's what you make of it... starting from now...

    No reason why you should fuck this up.

    Good luck man...
  11. It's all downhill from now on man :D

    It's nice to hear a good story here once in a while. Good luck with everything.
  12. letting the days go by.....
  13. Haha we'll see about that. Im usually in agreement with ya, but this has just been too damn easy. Hell, bad days have been better than an average day with a few ex's I can think of :p

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