and one day i noticed hate took the place of love.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by HighAsFuck247, Dec 6, 2010.

  1. As I felt closer and closer towards death, racing god in my head, trying to program the outcomes and noticing various control to keep peace and government unity I felt like I was falling to my death. I still get a weird feeling when I smoke,a feeling of great pain, as if my power is holding control, and fighting desperately making me feel dead inside. I know 100 percent that things are different and that there are certain powers that feel evident among us, but what I did not reallize, was the suns love is different then any other thing you could worship. I almost dare never to bow to it again, as it nursed me into a whole different mindset. Let's just say my mind would search for perfection, search for god. Then one day I noticed that as I got high, my mind would nag me according to the various events in history. As I moved on, I learned that the love I had was something ofetreme pain. As I smoke I feel almost as if somehow my mind judges each god automatcally, causing extreme control, as I watch tv, I notice the truth and lies, and the beauty of a sigh. But then one day, I felt like I was gonna drop and noticed that my own hatred, saved my comfort as I smoked. Now I feel scared from the sun. Feel as a baby that still can't fight. Each god making my brain focus on each detail of a conversation I noticed, the sun is my devil. I wondered what day they started programming the world for people that cannot hate to make love or fight for a good life. What day did the world almost drop?
  2. It's been replaced by greed, lust, ego, money, etc.

    There is nothing you can do. self destruction of mankind seems pretty evident in the future.

    You're not the only one in that position.

    there is nothing you can do, People will never stand up for what is right.

    They decide to live the same lifestyle doing the same basic things and procreate to have children do the same, it's a never ending cycle.
  3. I just feel as if I made the government angry with my rediculous posts and the best thing icould ever wish for myself is, the ability to move on and stop analyzing every situation but what I wish the most is to be able to smoke with a quiet mind. Shhh. My biggest wish. I would do anything to make it so, I don't hear the prayers of others, or that I don't hear the screams of thoughts, making me feel awkward as if " I know a little too much". so hooked on the power and intellegence from the pot.
  4. It's okay man, You escaped the ignorance that must people are entrapped in. Don't worry about it

    The best thing you can is "Not give a fuck" Cheers
  5. The first day of life on Earth my friend. Everything is an illusion filled with lies and deception. The history books will be rewritten and things will change. You can bet on that my friend.

    - peace, joy, love, and light
  6. You can't love without hate
    You can't hate without love

  7. Maybe in the 3rd dimension...the universe is pure love, it's just a matter of realities and consciousness.

    - peace, joy, love, and light

  8. Why do you slap a fly when its buzzing around your head?

  9. I personally don't...I try to not harm any living, conscious beings. Some things you can't avoid like little ants on the ground, but I help what I can. And besides, we are in the 3rd dimension now so that just confirms my statement. Much love to you my friend...have a great day!

    - peace, joy, love, and light

  10. Really? I thought we were in the second dimension :rolleyes:
  11. Budsmokn is a fucking bad ass. :love:

    Soon all the lies and all the evil will be gone.!
  12. That was sarcasm. Of course we do. We live in a dimension of width, length and depth. Which also allows for evil to co-exist with good and hate to give love purpose. Hippie :p

  13. <3 love you man (woman possibly? Lol). Btw thanks for all your great, great posts in my thread! I really appreciate it... :)

    - peace, joy, love, and light

  14. :p I figured you were kidding...I wasn't sure though lol you know how Internet communication is, you have to interpret somethings :)

    - peace, joy, love, and light
  15. I'm a dude, dude.


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